the new site format sucks

I definitely agree. I hate having to choose my country every time I sign in b/c I clear cookies. I know I can save Toms cookies, but the point is I don't want to. And why did they change the CPU charts and stuff? I can't compare specific CPU's anymore? If anything an improvement would be to add triple or quad comparison, and have an option to mix mobile/desktop charts. Format blows. Why'd they have to mess with a good thing?
the charts are horrible now
i always thought they should update the charts every time a new cpu/gpu comes out instead of a couple times a year

i dont like anything about the site format better then the old one

how the hell to i add a poll
Yes, under the heading VIDEOS there are six thumbnail images and very helpful discriptions - (blank), SECOND..., SECOND..., SECOND..., SECOND..., Quick...

I can work out which of these videos are Second Take. I don't think my browser is belching forth 48pt fonts. Happening to anyone else?