I really don't understand the intense interest in the 560, 460, 5770, 5830, etc.
Untold pages are written over $20 in cost difference between two cards and yet most of the gamers will probably go to Starbucks and pay $4.50 for a cafe moca and not even think about it. The 560Ti is going for more than a 6950 on newegg and the 6870 kicks its ass in some games - what am I not getting here? The 560 and 6870 are essentially equal but the 6870 has superior video capabilities and eyefinity and it is a little cheaper.
Frankly I think all this introspection over $20 - $100 cost range is a waste of time. You would think that someone who wants to game could save their cafe moca money and move on up to a 6950 or even a 570. Right now you can get the XFX 1 GB 6950 for $209 on newegg which is less than the 560 Ti and though it wasn't shown in the comparison, if the 6870 beats the Ti in some games then the 6950 should smoke it.
I'm sorry, what is the rocket science here??? Why would anyone waste a moments thought on buying a 560 Ti when the 1 GB 6950 is less money, faster, plays video better, bit streams bluray and has eyefinity for those who want three screens?
Why is it worth anyone's time to fret over $50 - $100 price difference when gas is $4.50 a gallon? It's just silly.
Save your Starbucks. birthday and movie money and go to newegg or amazon and look for a deal on the 6950 if you want to game and are on a budget. As Tom's Hardware has repeatedly pointed out, you will get the best bang for your buck and a card that will play most games at their highest settings (sans Metro 2033, crysis, etc.)
Couldn't your time be more wisely invested than reviewing $50 price differences. Just a thought. I am glad these reviews show the performance - we need to see that and it's a valuable service. But really, unless your building a htpc or something picking a video gaming card is pretty simple right now considering that the low-end cards from nvidia and AMD have all sorts of problems.