And the world isn't round like we are told.
Does anyone get to use 1tb from their 1tb hard drives, no. This type of subject is just a form of bitching for bitching sake.
Like that stupid car issue. HP ratings have been in the null zone for so many years that it's poor judgement and taking a back door excuse for a car that you owned for a full year and THEN you find you don't like it enough that you can feel it's missing 13hp is a deal breaker? God your shallow.
For the money spent in taxes buying the car, getting rid of it and buying another car you could have taken the orig. car and turbocharged it close to 200hp or just changed all oils over to synthetics and did a cheap intake upgrade to recover those 13hp. So those 13hp wasn't the real problem between you and that car.
If you want to make a real important topic fine, you don't really have one here on anything that isn't really new or to be thought as ripped off.
Anyone that is going to go raid goes that way from the start if they have any experience with computers. At least anyone I know that thinks well.
They don't buy one drive and wait a few months or a year and then buy another one to change over. You are not very smart.
That car story showed this and you really should have not brought it up.
Example, on Saturday you drive the car home as happy with it as ever. On Sunday you hear there is a 13 hp difference. So now you don't like it? Or was it really a chance to get a free one year use out of it and get around the depreciated value issue? That sounds more true to the example and thought it was a free deal excluding all the added costs of buying a new car. Sounds pretty cheap upfront and no forethought of all the troubles to go through. People that buy that type of car do it for a specific reason, do their research and test drive them. If they like what they see they buy it.
and this type of car isn't a race car by any standards, there are other types that are better suited for it, at the most I would feel a little bothered by it but then again I know that much difference isn't enough to notice and would go on with it if I went into buying it for the reasons that I thought made that kind of car worth buying.
I would at most have had Mazda put some of their performance parts on it free of charge to get it back up but sacking the whole car for it was crazy on both sides of this issue. Same thing with this new memory. It's a nit pick issue.