U6b36ef :
Rexer :
turkey3_scratch :
tiny voices :
I'm not a big Corsair PSU fan. Even their good ones I won't touch. I'm just not going to pay that much for a CWT unit, no matter how good it might be. My money will go to Delta, Seasonic, Superflower.
The only Corsair product I have owned in their RAM, which is very good, but I agree that their PSUs are overpriced. They do make some quality units, but they price themselves out of the competition! Fortunately for Corsair, they have a well-known name so people buy the cheap low quality units and their other products without considering the quality.
You guys make points well made about Corsair. I bought an RM750 gold and the thing fried my computer. It had been recalled under specific serial numbers and I had one. It started random black outs and for one summer I thought it was a software problem. Trying to find out exactly what was damaged was time consuming. Because the cpu, motherboard and gpu didn't show problems all at once, needed stress or a long warm up to expose it was damaged.
A small Corsair water cooler H55 didn't have enough liquid in it, garggle and drew 100+ idle temps. A Corsair Carbide 330 R case had holes that didn't match the Asus P8 Z77 motherboard, was warpped (probbably in shipping). I literally pounded this case back into a usable shape. Corsair's products are a real disappointment for me.
I'd better keep my finger crossed then with my new RM650i. However the RM uses cheap secondary capacitors, while the RMi uses all quality Japanese caps. (That's what everyone bangs on about anyway.) You got me wondering about the serial number though. I should look mine up. I thought the issue with the RM series was fans not switching on. That was meant to be a bygone issue with new stock now, and my fan comes on for sure by itself.
Not meaning offence but your post does poke at Corsair, quite rightly so if it damaged you equipment. Whereas I have constant issue with other so-called quality manufacturers. Noctua fans, absolute nightmare. Gigabyte mid-range Graphics cards; I feel like I would never want to buy another again. That's after three in a row with issues.
Good on you. Sounds like Corsair made improvements. Gigabyte did have some problems with some video cards. I blame the BitCom craze for the mass of inferior AMD cards. However, old video drivers, overclocking optimizers for Nvidia cards are a problem when replaced with an AMD video card. They, and the games have to be rooted out from C: drive, paths to the registry, directories and user's files.
Yeah, that computer went by-by two years ago. I salvaged the ram, WD hard drive and an LG disc drive. What 's working from a spare computer is a Corsair H-100 watercooler and a few 120mm fans. They're efficient and keeping the cpu temps down, but even they had fan mount problems (screws were too short).
You know, I have friends who'll swear Corsair love all day and all night, t'was the best thing in their life. Like you, I just happen to be the guy who ate three zeros. Yes!, the recall was a fan switching problem. Sometime after 6 months ownership, on the cusp of summer, it was going south. The computer would crash from once a week, every three days, two days, every 6 hours to 2, etc. There was high heat only in traces (probably because the fans weren't on to blow the heat out) and I didn't have temp reading for the psu. Sometimes when it crash, the psu fan didn't stop. ?That's what made it tricky and kept me thinking it's a software problem.
I RMA 'd the RM750 and gave to a friend, got an XFX XTR 750 to replace it. At the time, I don't think it's the best I could've bought. It was a SeaSonic made thing so I suspected some quality and it's been good. I just couldn't find a Seasonic X model in stock.