the problem with my pc

Guka Gudashvili

Jan 3, 2015
hello everybody here. I'm a new user and sorry in advance if something wrong with my post.

First of all, I have Windows 7 Professional 32(bit), Intel Core 3, 4 GB of ram(3,47 available), Video Card 1 GB. I paid 400$ for this processor in my country (Georgia) few months ago.

These days I have a problem and searched it on the Google immediately, so I found some posts here close to me, for example someone had Intel core 3 and it had some details the same as I did.

The problem is, that computer became slower. I mean, for example while I'm moving icons on the desktop it moves not very slow but I see that it becomes a little bit (nearly unnoticed) slower.
In addition, I try 2 browsers, going to 2 web-sites (movies) and downloading movies, I see that download speed plays, I mean normal speed is 1500 KB but it varies from 600,700,800 to 1500.

The third, I must say is the problem often posted in many forums(and more often than this one), while I type in for example Microsoft Word, and want to 'Alt+Tab' other application, it doesn't start. I mean it's a bug that bothers me. Maybe these problems are not linked and they are different sons of different father but I HAD TO SAY !!!

So, people, pay more attention to our rare problem please (not many people posts in forums as I see) and don't give us useless advice for example: Kill processes, install antivirus (oh I forget to say I have Nod 32 Antivirus 8 (activated for free helping some videos hah) or something else Resource Monitor and etc, because it doesn't help. I tried everything, from optimizer software and driver boosters, to task manager monitoring skills and re-boot with Windows CD.

And finally, I was so angry, that I created another user (CREATED AS an ADMINISTRATOR I mean with an administrator RIGHTS), and also enabled GUEST. Now I'm logged from that administrator user account and problem is solved in this account, everything is okay and problems disappeared (except ALT+TAB Problem, it's immortal hahaha). But I want my main account people, I miss it.

If some day someone sees this post and will have the same problem, I think we can help him, but help me first. : )

thanks in forward,

your new costumer Guka Gudashvili from country Georgia, beautiful town Tbilisi : )

Guka Gudashvili

Jan 3, 2015


In addition I've activated CCLEANER Professional and it cleans after every closing of browser. Also installed Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

and I forgot to say, when I bought this processor, installed this windows 7 professional and before I downloaded necessary applications, desktop icons moved so.(as I explained in post), but soon stopped and everything was okay. Some time later it started again. These problems started again (internet speed decrease, icons problem, alt+tab problem) maybe it's some kind of windows 7 bug? Or I have bought at wrong market?