I use my MBA every day at school, running it without charge most of the time. One charge easily last me the whole day. My wife has 2.5-year-old MBA that she uses for work, which still gets very close to its original battery life (which to be fair, was much lower than my current gen MBA to begin with). I could not care less about Apple's profits, but their laptops have good build quality, which is something I appreciate. I would be pretty hard to make MBA with its form factor and reliable battery life. Since form factor, size, weight, and build quality were important issues to me, I am fine with foregoing replaceable battery. One thing I do know for sure is that my classmates with Lenovo's and other Windows-based laptops needs to start charing their machines when my MBA is only down to about 2/3 charge. Apple detractors here can write it off to blind loyalty all you want, but to me the way Apple designed the laptops I used has very concrete and tangible benefits.