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It is so irritating to try and read the forum posts with these spam messages in between. Toms must add a function that members over a certain amount of points can mark a post as spam and then the moderators can easily identify and delete the posts.
There's really no need. We are all over it, however it may be hours before we get to some... thousands a day atm.

Up at the top of a post in grey letters you will see a report function. If you see one of these in a place that doesn't usually have them, please do use the report button.

To me it seems rather useless to hunt down and delete these posts and banning of the accounts. They will simply keep coming back. But I do have a suggestion....

I have pondered a way to get rid of trolls, jerks, and spammers completely that will take little effort. Let's say that in this post I attack you personally, say awful and unfounded things about you. Naturally you would respond in banning me right? Problem is I could easily make a new account and even if my IP is banned it only takes seconds to get around that. I could just come back over and over and continue to harass you. The solution would be to create a limbo like state. The moderator throws the user into this limbo. The user is able to login, respond to threads, and even make new threads but the trick is that no other users actually see the content this known trouble maker posts. If you do not alert the community of this new function those who are punished by it will have no idea why they are being ignored and will eventually just move on.

This could also work for spammers. Posting known spam url links would automatically throw them into limbo no moderator required. If by any chance a new link pops up simply add it to the list. This way the spammers think their messages are getting through when in reality no one is actually seeing it but them. This would greatly reduce the spam and those that do make it through will be quickly thrown into limbo as well. It doesn't matter how many accounts they make because once they hit submit for the post
they are already thrown into limbo because of the contents of the post.


Are you using the mouse or the keyboard as your weapon of choice? Or, how about using the lasers in the optical drives to deliver a punch of light to the eyes?

I want in on the Beta testing of that...I have a long list of people to cyber punch.
Watch out.

Mingo's freeware version zombies your PC to his ... kinda like Apple.

Instead of having wet dreams about Steve you will be dreaming of being Mingo's loyal servant.

Which one is worse??


I think spammers would make EXCELLENT fodder to train covert agents. Without challenging the concept that an individual is innocent until proven guilty, spamming is willful wrongdoing, so the gamesmanship in a court of law is just a waste. Prove the guilt, then take them out. GAME OVER.
If you guys have cruised by the Entertainment forum have you seen the spam for movies and music from odd places? Are these guys getting paid to do this or do they have bots that just auto post in hundreds of forums the same message?

What motivates these guys to spam? How much money do you get per post etc?
Motivation? It's cheap and they can. Payment? Don't know, but I'd think that it is based on response to the spam.

jtt: Hunting season; year around; no bag limit - much like lawyers and talk show hosts.
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