Question There is no image in bios

Feb 24, 2019
I have the following problem.
I wanted to switch to integrated gpu because a i going to sell itt.
Somehow i get the following problem that i can enter the bios but i see nothing just black screen so there isnt signal and i can do nothing in the bios.
But when the computer boots i get image so there is singal after the bios i dont know how.
I tried to switch beetween integrated and dedicated in bios but nothing.
What can i do?
Please help me.
Did you try pulling the CMOS battery out and waiting five minutes before you plug back in and turn it on
Yes. Let it sit for several minutes at least and then put it back in and power it on and see if it comes up
Try removing the dedicated GPU and try booting only integrated graphics. You may need to do what’s called Breadboarding the system. If I were you I’d remove everything but the CPU and RAM and hard drive and see if it boots