Reynod :
The Swiss are much more culturally mature than Americans ?.
I think it is all about the cultural norms that your exposed to while growing up.
Take for instance the view that many of you have regarding home invasions ... you have almost all stated that you would shoot first and ask questions later if your heard loud noises at night and thought someone was breaking in.
Here would probably open the door and give that drunken relative a last beer and just put them to bed ... or yell at the guy and tell him he staggered into the wrong home on his way back from the pub.
Like the Canadians we tend to have a much more relaxed view where in the US you tend to be highly suspicious and paranoid about anything you perceive as impinging upon your personal liberty or free will.
This I find hard to understand as from my perspective the US looks like a free for all 24/7 circus where the performers are shooting kids in the crowd while doing acrobatics on the high wire ... and the lions and the bears are roaming freely through the crowd ... taking bites out of the audience as well.
From where I stand you have so much free will this has caused the country to fall into chaos on so many levels.
You also have some of the best things there too ... but the balance is askew.
The obsession in the US about individual success being more important than community values is at the heart of the matter.
Many states have the Castle Law or Doctine. If someone breaks INTO your home, you have the right to shoot them. Now, at some point you realize someone is breaking in. You should also take into consideration family members or others before shooting. You should be aware of these.
For myself, I'm well built and bigger. I'm near 6' and 240lbs. Me shooting right away would draw a red flag if the person was not in the home. If my recent ex, 5'7 and 120lbs fired the shots, they wouldn't think twice. It is all relative to how much in danger you are. She could shoot someone beating on the door and probably be fine. I could not. Now, if someone is in the house and I'm not expecting anyone, you have the right to shoot first. Someone invading your domain.. you have the right to attack. Such as walking into a bear's cave or sticking your face in a groundhog hole. Guess what, you're too close, there is a threat perceived, someone's gonna get hurt.
My previous city, Toledo, Ohio, suffers multiple daily shootings and people constantly going to the hospital. Most are non life theatening wounds. I smile when I hear people in Knoxville talk about a shooting. It happens from time to time.. it isn't multiple times a day. I realize how nice it is to live down here as opposed to up north.
People up there didn't have jobs, the only thing they have is "respect" meaning Ego and what people think about them. They'll kill for stupid things, for street cred.. That's their culture. They'll live in shacks or run down apartments, they'll use their EBT card, they'll have nothing.. but they will be the best dressed. That's all they have. Insult them, step on a shoe, and they'll start shooting. You disrespected them, they need to keep that image up.
If you are afraid for your life, shoot. If the person is drunk, it is their fault for losing control and all that. Who knows what a drunk person will/can do.
How many times did someone not shoot, not get their gun, and get murdered? Last year, two young adults were killed in Toledo. Two guys broke in, put garbage bags over this guy's head and his girlfriend's, duct taped it around their neck, tied them up. Left them there until they suffocated. For what? The girl's family were wealthy and the street thugs only knew "rich" people sold drugs.. didn't work. They ransacked the house looking for the drugs they thought the parents were selling. Idiots. That's why we have these laws: the protect the innocent.