You assume I don't blame conservatives for their poor spending habits. Conservatives are just as guilty as progressives when it comes to deficit spending and mortgaging our futures and our children's future. But there is no way you can be so blind as to not acknowledge the fact that State's like Vermont are coerced and forced to pay taxes, in part, to make up for other States budget shortcomings as a result of Federal programs that usurp State sovereignty. So, you can blame conservatives for a particular State's budget short falls but do not be ignorant of the fact that the State and People of Vermont, who are fiscally responsible, are having their money taken from them in the form of taxes due to over reaching Federal social engineering. And, agree with it or not, history shows there was no legislation or laws coercing States to pay for Federal social engineering until the early 1900's when the liberal/progressive movement gained a foothold in American politics.
These huge replies are getting taxing so ill keep it short as I can. We all live in the same country, we reap the benefits when things are good and tighten our belts when things are bad, unless VT leaves the union we are all going to have to make sacrifices. I dont blame liberal administrations for "Social Engineering" because its more complicated than that. One could argue that our constant 10 year war(s) have had more of an impact on the deficit than food stamps, liberals might be feeding the poor but republican hawks have been killing the poor for almost a decade now. Blaming liberals and progressives for all the woes of fiscal collapse is retarded, If only it were so simple as to say it was all the liberals fault, that makes personal blame sting much less for all parties involved. Its common sense to look at a household budget and say "What are our big expenses?" You know whats at the top? War and healthcare. What you would consider welfare programs makes up maybe 10% of every tax dollar you give to the gov, and that number might even be lower. But Defense and Healthcare make up more than 50% of your taxes. How is it a bad idea to tackle the biggest drains on our budget first? End the war and do something with healthcare, and at least the current administration is doing something for healthcare whether you agree with the fine points or not.
Again, when it comes to gay marriage, stem cell research, and drug laws, there is nothing in the enumerated powers of the Constitution that permits the President or Congress to pass laws banning or prohibiting any of them. Any laws or regulations inhibiting gays to marry, stopping stem cell research, and banning drugs are inherently unconstitutional and never should have been issues at the Federal level. Regardless of any conservative OPINION, the fact remains there are NO Federal laws banning stem cell research. DOMA is legislation that Clinton never should have signed into law. And California is well within its rights as a sovereign State to pass its own marijuana drug laws. Again, these issues are ONLY points of contention between liberals and conservatives because they are all examples of over reaching Federal social engineering programs that usurp State sovereignty and circumvent the Constitution.
Its hypocritical for conservative legislatures to rally against Gay marriage and then vote for warrant less wire taps. And thats great there are no federal but it still didnt keep Bush Jr. from vetoing legislature that would have expanded funding for stem cell research. But I guess that's not a federal law just one mans conservative views.
I can appreciate anger towards corporations being allowed to make political donations, but what would you propose to stop both conservative and progressive politicians from passing legislation that favors their political donors? What would propose in place of corporate person-hood to hold corporations responsible for cases of defective products or manufacturer negligence?
Well at least we agree that its wrong that corporations can back a dump truck full of money to Romneys house..... If a corporation is a person that it should be jailed for crimes normal citizens commit. I would have loved to see BP do a few years for dumping a billion tons of oil into the ocean, because if I had done the same thing I would be the worlds greatest eco-terrorist and would spend the rest of my life in jail until someone made a movie of me starring Channing Tatum (Ive been told we both have similar builds.....) as myself.
C'mon mingo, regardless of how hard you hold onto your argument, you can not be so seriously blind or ignorant to the fact that Obama has not signed and Congress has not passed a Federal budget in almost 4 years. How can anyone, liberal or conservative, support deficit spending and continued passing of legislation WITHOUT a federal budget? How can anyone, liberal or conservative, with a basic understanding of economics justify $6Trillion in 3.5 years added to the Federal deficit WITHOUT a Federal budget? How can anyone, liberal or conservative, agree that more government spending (corporate bail out, quantitative easing, the stimulus package) will keep America financially solvent WITHOUT a Federal budget? I don't know about you mingo, but I wish I could tell my mortgage company that even though I do not have a budget to determine my assets and expenditures, that I want to borrow more money to pay for my mortgage, and then I want to borrow more money to take my vacation, buy a new car, and purchase an LCD TV; and on top of that they should give me that money solely based on good faith and the strength of my credit rating.
Obama has in fact submitted a budget for the last three years. While its true that dems failed to pass a budget in 09 and 10 which is shitty but at the same time in 1999 2005 and 2007 republicans failed to resolve a budget plan of their own and no budget was ran for those years. So yeah it sucks but again its not exactly as you painted it.
Okay, in light of the tragedy in Wisconsin at the Sikh Temple and given the article, "
Handgun type used on Sikhs is mass shooting weapon of choice", what gun laws would you propose to make America safer and prevent this type of tragedy from happening? Can the laws you propose be passed without violating our Constitutional or civil rights?
Ill give you points for sticking with your guns here (Pun very much intended) even after saying regular citizens should be able to own nuclear bombs (Which again is retarded)..... I dont want that dudes handgun, but maybe someone should put their hands up and say "Does he really need an extended banana clip for his 9mm?" without having the radical right throw a big fuss and refuse to sit at the table.
That my last long post, mah finners hurt.