Thermaltake Releases One RGB Controller To Rule Them All

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Only question is if using the riing fans with MB lighting if you'll lose options. The TT software has a nice selection of options.
Another properitary BS controller.

How about they tell us straight what exactly it controls like "it has 4 ports for standard 12V RGB leds used in X, Y, Z products and 2 ports for addressable WS2812B (or other model) 5V DI GND LEDs used in A, B and C products" instead of making a top secret case from what type of LED they use in products?
@zaporro: I agree. I have the corsair LL120 fans and was considering switching to the TT fans because of this device (i have a asus MB) but I think im going to stay with the corsairs simply because they are WS2812b LEDs (16 of them) so I'm pretty sure at *somepoint* someone will either make a DIY controller that syncs with the MB addressable port or corsair will release their own. I hope.
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