You can get a feature like this that will use eSata or USB 2.0 and you can get a dual slot as pictured here:
Before this article they were closer to 44..... The single which I have and use a lot to boot multiple O/S's out of works beyond fantastic. Do I feel Ubuntu today?? Slide it in, reboot select the drive from the boot menu and boom... Windows XP for some old games... have a smaller older drive for that system, boom, can pop in in and load up XP.
I also bought 3 of the same drives for my primary drives. I keep a cloned copy thats up to 1 week old my fire proof safe in my house, and one thats 2 weeks old off site at my safety deposit box. No better way to recover from a disaster than my method. If I have to and my nightly image file on my other drive is corrupt or will take hours and hours to restore (can happen with a TB drive), I can literally grab this drive, open my case, swap out the drive and move on from there.... which I have had to do.
This idea of putting it into a case is great.... I already use my single slot unit like its going out of style..... I may have to get the dual slot and give the single slot one to my parents as a gift...
Today I just cloned my 1 TB drive in about 20 minutes which is pretty fast.... tomorrow I take the older drive to the bank and my cycle is complete.... Data is safe...... at least I can sy I did everything to save it....
I'm sure there are other great ideas that you could use this for... hook up the USB port to the PS3 and as long as you have the VIDEO folder you can read videos off of the unit....
I would rate this a 10/10 in Windows 7... you just have to make sure you know how to refresh the disks in the disk manager otherwise you will site there and wait for it to finally do an auto refresh. Just go to the disk manager in the (right click on the Computer icon->Manage->Storage->Disk Management... once thats highlighted, action, rescan disks.... and in a few seconds the new eSata disk appears.....
I wish Thermaltake would have put this puppy into the 200+ dollar Armor+ VH6000 which they only sell in Silver now for 35 more... though I hve to say if I had the xtra cash at the time I would have gone Silver, it really looks good.... but there is enough room for a box like this in there instead of a 2 second hidden compartment....
Honestly.... if you need a new case and switching HD or OS's or backups or working with multiple HD's for whatever reason is your deal.... 2 TB maximum but still get 5 disks and have 10 TB which is an insane amount of data..... then get it... you will use this feature on a daily basis....
If you already have a case and want this feature..... don't fret, its not built into the case, but sometimes thats a good thing if you have the right length eSata cable then get this:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817153112&cm_re=Thermaltake_estata_dock-_-17-153-112-_-Product and be done with it and have everyting covered....
My wife would hade to hear this.... and don't take it in the wrong way as only HDD's do in there... but that unit sees more actuion every day than my wife in a year.......
Well I hope my rambling helped absolutely no-one....