It was a sound reply, so ill have to quote you back
Slobogob :
That makes it sound easy. Sadly it isn't that simple. Either one of those systems comes in at around 5000$+.
It is that simple. They usually test with the same platform when they wanna show the diferences between GPUs or RAMs for example. I wanted a Quad-SLI vs Tri-SLI showdown aswell. But the benchmark was system vs system. That quite undeniable albeit the Title "is" misleading.
Slobogob :
It's basically two different systems. The only thing they share is the video driver. The video driver.
Yup. They didnt test clock per clock, nothing. They practically just picked up out-of-the-box system and lets them rip !!
Slobogob :
It better should be, but we will never know.
I would love to have that info as well in the post. But honestly the only thing they gave us was the reading of graphs.I agree with you its not sufficient. I would thrill to see a Big review. But in the end its a system VS system review. He gave his possible review without much tinkering.
Slobogob :
Was it the driver? A lack of memory on the G92 card? Gave the higher bandwidth the g80 the final advantage? Was it the PCIe bus? etc....
Some answers can be concluded from the benchmark scores, but most are quite speculative.
Although i find decent info and very nice discussions in this forum, its was we usually do. Speculate. An Educated Speculation (sometimes, anyway) but thats what we do. We think, we discuss, we can agree or not.
Slobogob :
That's actually where the benchmarking and the objective authoring work come in. Right now there is only one logical conclusion:
There is a 5000$+ system that can beat another 5000$+ system as long as they both use the same driver software. Everything else is speculation.
I read the Article and it was my conclusion, system vs system. Not Quad vs Tri. You can speculate about the results, after analyzing the Graphics, adn try to take an educate conclusion. But that's all you might take. I have a sh*tload of questions as well. They weren't answered and it was a nice post for the "enthusiast" low on enthusiasm and high on bucks or Eurobucks.
What was the temps of the 4/3 cores ?
What was the loads of the 4/3 cores ?
Were all being used ?
Were is the bottleneck ?
What was the Amps from both PSU ?
Power consumption for both systems Idle and Full load ?
Power consumption for Both Tri and Quad GPUs (only) ?
Testing with diferent drivers ? Would that change the outcome ?
Testing with more games ?
Testing it with Vista 64, Vista 32, Win XP 32 and Linux 64 (if driver availability, check phoronix and see tests WINE vs Windows)
And a whole lot of questions.