[citation][nom]shotgunz[/nom]Sega purchases relic... Does that mean hedgehogs in company of heroes?I hope Sega won't ruin company of heroes.[/citation]
sega publishes total war, i would say they know not to screw with something good.
crytek got homefront, something that was dead as a franchise anyway, so it doesn't matter.
koch got violation and metro... they publish the x seriese, a game that is so user intuitive, that i have to take a guess they are very hands off on how they handle games. any other publisher would have made the game at least a bit user friendly.
ubisoft got a game that is more or less already done, so they cant do to much with it.
really what these companies bought right now are mostly if not fully completed games that are just going through polish right now. so at the very least the current games wont be to effected by the moving, and most of these companys seem to be great fits for the devs they bought, unless they just bought to canalize titles like ea did with westwood.