Question Time to upgrade PC?


Sep 20, 2014
Hey all,

I built my PC a few years back now, I want to know if it is worth my time to rebuild a new PC or just upgrade my graphics card. The PC is used for internet browsing, statistical software, Microsoft office and of course gaming. I would like to be able to play current and future triple-A titles on high settings, would just a GPU swap be sufficient?

Also, I have never overclocked my CPU, would this help?


EVGA GTX 770 2gb
16gb DDR4 2133 MHz ram
MSI M7 Gaming Motherboard
Hyper 212 EVO CPU Cooler
750 W EVGA PSU 80+ Bronz
Corsair 230T case

Thank you for all the input!
CPU is still really good so no reason to change that. Upgrading the GPU would be ideal, what resolution/refresh rate is your monitor?

Overclocking the CPU could give you a decent bump in performance for gaming and your other applications. The Intel Temperature Guide by CompuTronix has all the info as well as tools required to overclock.
CPU is still really good so no reason to change that. Upgrading the GPU would be ideal, what resolution/refresh rate is your monitor?

Overclocking the CPU could give you a decent bump in performance for gaming and your other applications. The Intel Temperature Guide by CompuTronix has all the info as well as tools required to overclock.
The display is 1920x1080, 24 inches, 60Hz refresh rate. It is a decent screen, but it seems that color accuracy is a bit off, it's from Asus. I will look into the overclocking.