[SOLVED] to peel or not to peel the case?


Apr 6, 2022
As title, is better leaving the peel from the side pannel of the case?
I m talking about the glass side panel, I haven t bought one but almost every case builder use temperated glass, I m scared about having a temprated glass panel near my face cause sometimes they explodes(I know that isn t that often but I m preatty unlucky) so if I can leave on the panel the peel and it explode, it will not fall in 1000 pieces but it will remain on the peel.
Now what' s my hesitation about not peel the panel?Actually the bad thermal conduction that would have a piece of gluss in a sendwitch of peels, this could cause a thermal shock that could breack the glass faster.
Some suggestions?
If does exist some peels that are ok and I can shop?
Now I have a plexiglass side panel and is actually a lot good but it screach a lot.
Btw thanks anywone full enought to follow me in this idiots thoughts XD
The film atop of the panel is to prevent scratches during transit. In some cases, it actually does act as an adhesive of sorts if the panel ends up getting damaged inside it's own packaging during transit.

If you don't live in a dusty environment then you can take the film off or keep it on longer to make sure your panel is as new as possible when it's taken off eventually. If you have a plexiglass side panel, you can use this to polish/remove scratches with.
The film atop of the panel is to prevent scratches during transit. In some cases, it actually does act as an adhesive of sorts if the panel ends up getting damaged inside it's own packaging during transit.

If you don't live in a dusty environment then you can take the film off or keep it on longer to make sure your panel is as new as possible when it's taken off eventually. If you have a plexiglass side panel, you can use this to polish/remove scratches with.
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The film atop of the panel is to prevent scratches during transit. In some cases, it actually does act as an adhesive of sorts if the panel ends up getting damaged inside it's own packaging during transit.

If you don't live in a dusty environment then you can take the film off or keep it on longer to make sure your panel is as new as possible when it's taken off eventually. If you have a plexiglass side panel, you can use this to polish/remove scratches with.
so, no problem if I do not peel the glass?
What is your PC sitting on? How far would it fall if the side came off? what is floor surface?

As the glass won't randomly just explode, it has to be dropped or hit.

Provided people randomly don't throw hammers around, you should be fine.

I wouldn't worry about it exploding as such. Tempered glass does explode when shattered but its pretty strong.

I hadn't even thought of it, took film off first day and wiped glass to remove stickiness... or tried. Dust soon found some.
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TG only shatters when it's stressed. It's also what you sit next to in a car, about same thickness too. Only the front/rear windshields are laminated.

So unless you try twisting it, beating on it, throwing hammers at it, TG will most likely outlast the pc inside it, more than once.
If you search for exploding TG, most of the results aren't PC cases, they more glass panels used as walls for swimming pools or glass shower doors. You would have a lot of film around the house if you had to even think about this possibility. Or no windows at all.

I suspect many of the reported side panel explosions leave out details. As a side panel won't just explode normally if just sitting on a case.
It don t randomly explode but sometime thermal shock can be enough expecially for the ones that have screws, for that some do differents mechanism like lian li with the o11, the wholes are weak points, and with a thermal shock as 50° to 10° can make them explode(rare but I m soo much unlucky, so you know...).
Cars windows are mede of polycarbon or laminated glass cause temperated glass is too weak form the stress of a car, actually some racing cars have pexiglass.
I would have the case about 20cm from me and like 0 from the monitor, some times they touch.
I m very worried about glass panels for that, if it was far from me it would be not a problem at all.
So the peel will not be a real problem right?
Then I can replace it with plexiglass right?