Tom's...confused again?

I don't get it, first they tell us that getting more RAM would be a better way to spend our money, now they're recommending drives as gifts. If the women in our lives don't know how to shop for RAM, couldn't they just get us a gift card to the Egg? Surely they know how to use a credit card online to buy a gift card...
A gift card to NewEgg? LOL... my sadistic family members give me BestBuy gift cards... WTF am I supposed to do with those? I mean really.

I don't get it, first they tell us that getting more RAM would be a better way to spend our money, now they're recommending drives as gifts. If the women in our lives don't know how to shop for RAM, couldn't they just get us a gift card to the Egg? Surely they know how to use a credit card online to buy a gift card...
A gift card to NewEgg? LOL... my sadistic family members give me BestBuy gift cards... WTF am I supposed to do with those? I mean really.

LOL mine too God do i hate bad buy
It's not that my aunt and uncle give me a $50 one... but their children (my cousins) are now given them to me as well. These are people that have known me all of my life... and that's the best they can do?!? It's almost like they're saying "Rodney, I hate you, but I feel obligated to buy you something... here, take this and shutup"

I should just accept it next Christmas and then turn right around and say "Ooooh... look what I got you for Christmas" and give it back. Ba Humbug.
Well on may i got $150 in bad buy cards soooooooooo

i said thank you and a week later said hay for X-mas i would like cards from new egg and here is the 1-800 # so you don't have to even leave the house to get one they said hay cool vary little to do to get a gift

Now that is what i had in my head and just BSed it to sound good :lol: