Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Dragon Ball Xenoverse!

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Seriously, one of the greatest have to be Cell, if not the greatest. I mean, it is more than a villain--the Cell's episodes can really move one to tears, at least for me when I was at a younger age. It's really ridiculous at hindsight and I somewhat feel childish about it, but the father-son relationship and sacrifices during those episode to me, were really priceless.

They altered the story quite a bit in the live action vs the manga/anime; thus why the such hatred. At that point it isn't really DragonBall except in name and characters.

However, if one does ignore that fact, the movie actually wasn't that bad and rather entertaining. Plus they chose a hot actress for Chi-Chi. ( ) 😉
Nappa was quite the villain. As soon as he arrived, he destroyed a city! That's how you introduce yourself. Sure he was only Vegeta's minion, yet he was completely wiping the floor with everyone until Goku arrived. He was the perfect appetizer villain. Just think about the possibilities if Vegeta hadn't decided to kill him...
Super tough between Frieza and Cell... I'm gonna have to go with Frieza; the Namek battle had me on the edge of my seat. The ending was so good. As for why, finding out that Frieza had multiple forms made for quite a lot of tension. I couldn't wait for the next episodes.

I remember waiting for those episodes, only to have Goku spend half of the next episode charging up. The charging up sequences are probably my only complaint about DBZ. Luckily, Team Four Star's DBZ Abridged cuts out most of that, while making the story a lot more humorous as well!

I never bothered to verify this, but a friend claimed that the creator or someone went through a mental breakdown and some of the Frieza episodes are extremely slow (i.e. so much charging) as a result. A quick Google search doesn't seem to come up with anything so who knows. Maybe it was all BS.

The Team Four Star cuts sounds like something I'd want to watch should I ever get back into the show, so thanks for that.

Just be aware that Team Four Star's Abridged changes all dialog to the show as well. Imagine if the members of Mystery Science Theater 3k were directing the show; that is probably the closest way to explain it. Absolutely hilarious though.
Nappa because of DBZ Abridged. Imagine him in the new series becoming a good guy. He would go Super Saiyan and have a long golden goatee.
My favorite villain has to be Frieza. Without Frieza there isn't a Dragon Ball, or Dragon Ball Z. Which is all I can say without giving away many spoilers for those who have not seen the whole story...but generally no Frieza no DB or DBZ. He is not purely out for the destruction of Sayain's, or destruction outright like many of the villians of DBZ. Instead he is focused on the conquering of the universe and expansion of his territory. Frieza is not above using violent means to obtain his goals, but generally gives people a chance to join his empire. Plus his endgame for most battles is particularly evil as it has minimal cost to his person.
I think Vegeta is the best villain of the series. There's a great build-up to his and Goku's fight, their fight is incredibly memorable, varied, and it doesn't overstay its welcome like so many fights in the series *cough-frieza-cough*, and Vegeta's character has a great arc that, of course, leads him to stop being a Villain. Also, thanks for doing this giveaway! :)
Cell has my vote. Probably because I'm kind of a Gohan fan, so yeah... Cell's villainous act itself was interesting as well as his toughness. Gohan's transformation, which was nothing short of epic & impressive, was my favourite part, tho.
For me, it's Lord Beerus as he was named as the Destroyer. He has been there before the Saiyans exist. He even made Vegeta's father kneel down like a puppy.
Hands downs it's Frieza. Mainly because he's the enemy that made Goku mad enough to transform into a super saiyan. And Frieza morphed 3-4(?) times and during the planet namek's arc, it's the thing that I've anticapted the most when I was a kid.
Well, for what it's worth, my favorite villain is Bulma, even though she was only a semi-villain for all of 30 seconds in the first episode of Dragon Ball. Still counts though, right?

Now, your winners! Congratulations to Rosanjin and jayzhong! You'll be receiving a PM from my later today with instructions on how to claim your prize. Be sure to get back to us with what kind of characters you make--I've seen some pretty ridiculous looking ones :lol:

I also want to throw an extra bonus prize into the mix, from out of my own collection of spare Steam keys! deadpanCake will be receiving a copy of Shadowrun Returns for being the first person to break out the Scouter! Kudos to you, good sir, and enjoy your just rewards! As with the others, expect a PM later today!
cell by far, is a pretty well constructed character, that evolves constantly and its basically a human creation that can overpower pretty much anything the dragonball universe had to offer at the moment except for gohan, the shy and kinda childish son of goku that was pretty much in the same level as krillin at the beggining of the series becomes a killing machine and destroys cell in the most awesome way imaginable.

And keep in mind that cell was the only mayor villian who was not killed by goku

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