Tom's Hardware Giveaway - Metro Redux Bundle!

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Aug 4, 2011
Some old-school classics:

I spent many hours trying to save those ~64 pixel rodents from all sorts of deadly traps.

California Games
For some reason, heading the footbag was always hilarious.

Police Quest (any and all of them)
There was a Kickstarter campaign, then in-house crowdfunding, for a spiritual successor to Police Quest, called Precinct. It never got anywhere, though.

Where in the World/Space/Time/etc is Carmen Sandiedgo?
Learn about stuff while tracking down criminals!

Vivacious Donut

Apr 22, 2015
I think there should be an updated Source version of the original Portal. It looked great and all, but going back to it recently I thought it felt a little clunky and flat, so updated it like Black Mesa would be great!


Jun 17, 2014
I would really like to see a remake/sequel to No One Lives Forever. I missed my opportunity to play these games when they came out, and now it's practically impossible to get a hold of them. There is nothing else with a premise quite like them. The benefit of a remake or sequel would largely be that they could be played again, but I imagine there were things about them that would benefit from modern advancements.


May 19, 2015
dunno how and why, but i came up with the arcade game "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs".
pure old-school fun where you could add a friend and punch/shoot your way across. was awesome, back in the day(long ago).
that genre deserves a remake with all the recent retro awakenings.
where's all too used to shooters, but i want a game that is focused on closed combat with combos and cool co-op moves.


Oct 26, 2015

I had completely forgotten about this game - was brilliant at the time and would be great with better graphics.


Aug 5, 2009
oh god where to start?
almost every single crpg that doesnt play on modern oses or is locked to a very low resolution...
zombies ate my neighbors with hd sprite work...
rollercoaster tycoon 1 and 2 in 2d for a remake, as they dont play nice with modern oses, and a new rollercoaster tycoon with full vr integration, the hedge maze that can be user played, along with go carts that can be user controlled.
vampire the masquerade bloodlines,
doom 1 and 2 with hd sprite work and brutal doom mod as an official mode.
morrowind with a non crap looking visuals without modders doing it on an engile that can take it.
fallout 1 and 2 in hd, allong with fallout 3, the 2d version getting finished and released

there are so many more but those are off the top of my head... OH a PROPER sim city.


Aug 14, 2015
Since 1997, millions of gamers around the world lusted for a remake of Final Fantasy VII. Year after year, the cries of these gamers went unheard by Square Enix, instead releasing a demo, movie, and numerous titles based on the world of Final Fantasy VII. Time and time again, Square would tell consumers that something big and special was going to happen that year -- that it might finally be the year that they'd announce a remake of this illustrious game. This year, however, millions of loyal and jubilant fans heard the words they finally longed for all these years. Sure, I may no longer have my Playstation -- parting with it was difficult --, but my autographed original copy of Final Fantasy VII is still in immaculate condition. I've had people offer rather large sums of money for it, yet this piece of gaming history shall remain with me until I die.

With the promise of Final Fantasy VII, I am reminded of another title which is equally deserving of a remake. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is widely considered to be one of the greatest games of all time, yet none of the "remakes" live up to the dream and reputation of the original. It's high time that Nintendo puts the monkeys to work on this classic -- one that can put a twinkle into the eyes of newcomers and brings tears to the eyes of yesteryears' generation. Just in the same way that 40 hours of glamorous gameplay back then was considered a miracle, so too should the gameplay of the remake be proportionally extended (think 120 hours of dungeons and puzzles, high definition 3D and sound, and a controller that immerses you into the world of Zelda). True, this is a tall order. I wouldn't expect such a remake for years to come, but if and when it does happen, it must be done perfectly. This means a new engine -- not tweaks to the engine that was. As with my copy of Final Fantasy VII, I bought my copy of Ocarina of Time at the ripe age of 13 (18 years ago). I bought the gold cartridge and it, too, is autographed. Will I ever part with this? Heck no!
Sep 30, 2013
I liked various game on NES and Amiga (and played some on SNES), guess Moonstone and Dune could use some sequels, the later could likely be a very awesome game and make a lot of progress of today.

On PC my most played games was Quake and C&C, but they kinda have got sequels. Played some Carmageddon too which got one recently but it's supposedly no good, a sequel for that would be something.

In more modern times I've played a lot of Warcraft III, that's RTS I would prefer to have a sequel of the most.

I can't play Quake competitively but I guess it would be cool to learn, some kind of mix of Quake with CS:GO to make more game modes or whatever?

Exotic answer: Moonstone!
Main-stream answer: Warcraft III and World of Warcraft.

I have no idea whatever World of Warcraft make sense. I played the beta, pre-ordered the collectors edition but would get standard and never picked it up myself and never started playing, wasted 10 years of my life not playing the game.

There can only be one answer? WARCRAFT!


Jan 13, 2011
I would say Command and Conquer, generals, i loved the gamed and spent hours with buddies playing it on LAN parties. After some third party mods which made the LAN play balanced and bug free it was really fun game. The thing i loved most was you spent less time building bases and upgrading and more time fighting, in a constant rock-paper-scissor tension.
A remake with more fluid graphics and glitch free and balanced LAN play, and more generals and special units can be fun. I am sad that one such effort was ditched in progressed, hope someone else would pick it up

Dark Light

Aug 11, 2012
Dungeon keeper 3 or even a re-release of DK2 would be cool, DK2 was one that those PC games that everyone likes but those that were not a PC gamer didn’t cared about, hence why EA decided to scrap the DK3. Although DK3 wasn’t really far enough into development to call it anything than an idea, a true sequel would be nice. Another thing that would be nice would be a re-release of DK2 for modern systems, modern resolutions, the internet etc… Talking about Bullfrog, Populous also deserves a sequel and do does Theme Park World. Make me sad because EA announced that they were revisiting those old franchises a while ago, but later said they had cancelled a whole bunch of games.

Other than that a Source 2 version of all 6 Half-Life games would be nice, better post-proccing and lighting, better use of modern hardware, a non-Gold Source Half-Life that actually works and map streaming (removing loading zones). And then when (if) they release Half-Life 3 they could bundle it up like they did with the Orange box.

Finally for something more random, a sequel to Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2, I know there is already a “sequel”, but that is more of a game that just uses the name and isn’t a sequel at all.


Jun 17, 2014
I believe that Clive Barker's Undying deserves both a remake and a sequel.
This game was built with a wonderful atmosphere and the concept of an investigator of mysterious occult events, in the early 20th century, can have many interesting ways to be explored. Sadly it was denoted, the best game no one ever played, so a sequel of the game isn't going to happen any time soon.


Oct 30, 2014
I would add Star Wars BattleFront II to the list. I know there is a new one coming in the next few weeks, however they have left big part of that game out of this. Space battles with the possibilty to drive your Tie fighter/Xwing/choose your favorite/... and land onto foes main ship to run and disable some elements of it were adding a lot of fun to the game.


May 28, 2015
The old BMX games like Matt Hoffman Pro BMX and Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX should have new versions.
Not like Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5, a good one. : )


Nov 12, 2013
Mass Effect!!

The gameplay was so much fun!
I wouldnt mind playing a prothean however you spell it prequel or even playing a sequel based on the last choice of Shepard. I really loved the series.


May 10, 2013
Many games need a sequel, but it needs to be something we don't currently have. A lot of people like GTA V because of the wide variety of cars and the customisations they have, however, nearly a decade ago there was a racing game made by Rockstar that is far superior to GTA V's cars and NFS. That game is Midnight Club LA. If a sequel came out then it will bring us a truly good arcade racer, in a time when NFS has lost its glory and nothing else can compete.


Mar 23, 2012
I believe ActRaiser would be a great re-make. It had both strategic city building and adventure platforming. The remake should keep the original balance of both and update the graphics and control mechanics.


Oct 27, 2015
In my opinion Ultima IV Quest of the Avatar and Ultima V Warriors of Destiny are really dying for a remake! I wouldn't mind if they are in 3D or isometric view, as long as its remade with original idea.

Daniel Ladishew

Apr 16, 2014
As one of my favorites, I would love to see FFIX remade using PS4 graphics. It was such a great game with an interesting story and characters you could love. They only thing lacking on replay value is the poor PSone graphics. I'm not talking about a simple update that would allow higher resolutions, but actually remodeling the entire game in a new engine. I would even be ok with them not changing any of the mechanics. Just make it pretty!


Jun 11, 2014
What are some great games that are just dying for a sequel or a remake? What made the original so great and what would make the sequel/remake even better?

Hal Life :)
In my opinion half life is the best game of all times and how such a great game doesn't need a sequel? :)


Jun 19, 2006
I want to see an updated version of Beyond Good & Evil. I know that an HD version was teased, but honestly, I would be happy if they just updated the existing version to work with Windows 7/8/10! I enjoyed the photography collecting in the game, as well as the games in the bar. Combat was fun without being overly complicated (except for the end boss fight).


Jan 28, 2015
I would really love a Powerstone 3 for PC/modern consoles. Powerstone 1 & 2 for Dreamcast were incredibly accessible innovative 3d fighting games. Think Super Smash Bros but 3D and with even simpler controls and even crazier levels and items. The complexity of the game didn't come from memorizing combos, but from smart use of the items and environment (flip kicks off walls, using gun turrets, tripping your opponent as you are both running from a giant boulder, keeping your opponent on the section of airship that is exploding, but eventually the whole ship explodes anyway and you have to fight while skydiving!). Stages often had 2-3 parts and loads of environmental hazards and tools. The games had a interesting 19th century "age of adventure" setting. 4-player battles were amazing. Powerstone 2 also had a really good adventure mode that wasn't just a series of matches strung together (think you could do it co-op too).

After Dreamcast, the only thing Powerstone got was a 2006 PSP port. I would love a true sequel for PC & modern consoles - similar gameplay with more characters, items, options and (even crazier) stages. Powerstone 3 on PC with steam big picture mode, online/local multi-player, voice chat - It would be awesome. It could happen. Seems like Capcom has the IP and its released lots of stuff on PC via Steam. Unfortunately, I think too few people know about this gem to generate the necessary interest.


Sep 30, 2013
What I've been dying for is something like the original Everquest experience. I know it just doesn't sell in the modern marketplace, but that level of "we're just going to throw you in here and let you realize about 20 hours in that you still know NOTHING about what you're doing" was fantastic. All these linear progression areas and NPCs with marks over their heads tick me off... I want to figure it out on my own, or with someone laughing at me then dragging my corpse to my spawn point after my 10th death.