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Pretty decent guide^ there marshallbradley, trick is getting people to follow it. And nice looking build you have there, very clean!

Hopefully your time spend typing all that won't go to waste :fou:

She lit up in smoke Litterly. Not to happy about it. Got the insur check. New rig being built next week.
@ mlcaouette Bah I don't mind typing, it's nice on mechanical keyboards :)

I like your Coolimus prime too! Great name haha.

By the way is it better to do what you have done and start your own thread if you're looking for some good feedback/ideas and improvements? I know your's is water cooled and all, so there's plenty more in terms of modding to discuss, but I won't be going down that path soon, at least not for another year and I need SOMETHING keep me busy (work.. yes shut up brain.) I'm too much of a tinkerer for my own good.

@marshallbradley, yes it is best to open your own thread/build log in order to get more feedback and suggestions. Link the thread here so we can find it.

I'd highly recommend water cooling for you, it is highly addictive and is much more time consuming than anything you can do with just upgrading regular components. Watercooling is costly but as long as you spread out the upgrades it isn't to detrimental to your income. Water cooling and beyond are a tinkers dream!

I believe it was Moto that came up with the name Coolimus prime for my rig.

I'm not the best modder but if you open your own thread I will try and come up with ideas for you to pass time and improve your rig. You can feel free to post up in my thread if you want to follow it, there should be some interesting stuff coming in the near future (hopefully tec/peltier cooling for the cpu loop)...

Sucks that she died on ya, that was an insane overclock though and with insane overclocks comes the inevitable insane consequences. I look forward to seeing your new build!
Great rig, very similar to what i was almost going to build, until i was convinced to wait for new tech this year. but have two tiny problems:
what is that random cable tie across from your dive bays to gfx doing?
And your red/black theme is ruined by mismatched cable sleeveing, only black 24 pin?
My First Build!

Befor I started looking at this thread


After I started looking at this thread


I Call it Shadowrain



@mlcaouette Yeah I wish I could go water-cooled... I just don't really have the funds for it right now, and I know if I go water-cooled, I'll want to go the full Monty with a custom GPU block and all that jazz.

@jake Yeah it's to hold the graphics up, it looked a tad saggy. I sleeved the cable tie so it looks passable now. I might go try and find one big cable tie though so it doesn't look so lumpy. Yeah that's a good idea, I might try and do that to the 24 pin on Monday. What do you think would look best, if I had red black red black every strand, or maybe like 2 bundles or red and 2 of black or some other pattern?

Give it to me straight Dr Moto, what's the diagnosis?

EDIT: For those interested, here's my new fix for the graphics card sag, taken on an awful phone camera. It was kind of a pain to sleeve but worth it in the end (sorry if this is slightly off topic):

I'm looking forward to you going wet lol, you have some skills, obviously the tools and the inclination to mod,
You are well on the way man, a few weeks/months here and I can see you hitting extreme levels of invisification and I'll help anyhow I can along the way,
as I'm sure Lutfij and others will as well hehe

@Cia, sorry for the loss man, but hey, Good times huh 😛
@Rue, flip the Psu, pull the stragglers tight and call it done mate, great job and difference there well done :)

The damage to the system is total. It even took out the gpu. The psu lit up in smoke and did all of this damage its a corsair ax750 and corsair told me they are replacing my system.

Thats the way its suppose to be 🙁

Thanks btw, what wires tight? The psu was really hard to work with.
continuation to modo's comment...And start a new build with corporate funding 😛
any news yet with corsair support?

Modo - I'd be more than glad to help out! but with the guide marshall's posted I think I've been decommissioned :lol:
@Rue22 You'll have a cooler PSU with it the other way round, it can draw fresh air from beneath the case and exhaust it out the back. Then again you do lose the cool LEDs though and it shouldn't kill your PSU or anything, so whatever you prefer. How did you get your case inside repainted by the way, looks slick!

@Moto Yeah diagnosis! You seem like the 'build doctor' around here huehue 😉

I've decided my next step is to clean up the wiring behind the motherboard. I'm going to learn to properly sleeve wires and try to keep a build log.


I'll try that sometime and post some pics. I painted it using 2 cans of trimclad black gloss lol looking at all the other peoples interior cases I was kind of jealous the haf 912 was to plain so I said screw this and went to walmart.
I thought the whole "computer case" idea was a little played out. Similar to modern homes with an open floor plan, this is my new an greatest PC...


Yeah, shes a hot rod. That's a Athlon X2 5800+, GA-MA74GM-S2, 4GB DDR2 OCZ Reaper, GeForce 210, EA-380w, and a 500GB Barracuda.
Very nice looking Rue22! Just one question, were you wrapping the fan wires around the fans on the 212+ as some sort of extra support method or just cause? I would tuck the wires under the fans, but that's just me.
Corsair is sending me a amd 8350 for my trouble and a 970 mobo. Yeah not 990 but i had a 965 and a 970 before do the math lol.

They're cougar vortex fans, I loved the sleeves on them, figured it gave it an engine type of look the way I had it.

you want to see the melted pile that my computer is or the new one??? or both lol!!!