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Tom's Hardware Needs More Mobile Reviewers : Read more
Not to nitpick but if you want to be "better than most", maybe you guys can stop using contractions. It drives me crazy. I am far from perfect but I notice these things.
it does seem lately you have too many people who are just doing opinion pieces aboutt theories and other that are just flamebait more than actual news and reviews
it does seem lately you have too many people who are just doing opinion pieces aboutt theories and other that are just flamebait more than actual news and reviews
scolaner :it does seem lately you have too many people who are just doing opinion pieces aboutt theories and other that are just flamebait more than actual news and reviews
I'm not sure what you would consider flamebait...?
the apple article about why the writer bought a mac is a good example. considering the article was filled with many controversial points on the pc hardware that was used to compare against the apple hardware