Multi-tasking for sure. No specific programs really, but things like video encoding while watching 1080p videos/YouTube etc in the background. or Various games while playing video/YouTube on a second monitor. Even things like multi-boxing MMO's on multiple monitors.
Basically anything that is able to test which systems stay the most responsive/suffer the least performance hit when they are forced to divide their attention between multiple high demand programs at the same time.
I agree with bringing in some RTS games as well. Not necessarily SC2, but look to ones, even if they are a bit older, that can really hammer a CPU with complex AI's and thousands of units at the same time.
Basically anything that is able to test which systems stay the most responsive/suffer the least performance hit when they are forced to divide their attention between multiple high demand programs at the same time.
I agree with bringing in some RTS games as well. Not necessarily SC2, but look to ones, even if they are a bit older, that can really hammer a CPU with complex AI's and thousands of units at the same time.