Well, your response makes it clear why this site is continuing on its downward spiral. I'm not sure how much more clearly I could have stated in my last post, that
the problem was the title of the article and not the article itself.
The title of the article: "
Too Hot to Last? Investigating Intel's Claims About Ryzen Reliability"
Third paragraph of the article:
"Interestingly, Intel then drove further on the issue, citing a report that claims reliability is behind AMD's apparent, but not proven, reasons for reducing its chips' frequencies. "
Wait... So it's not actually Intel that came up with this hypothesis? They're just quoting someone else.
Little further down:
We chose to look into the matter further based on a comment made by legendary overclocker and Asus engineer Shamino on the Overclock.net forums, which is the same comment that spurred the
article Intel cited in the slide above. "
Come again? The title says Intel spurred you to write this article, now you're claiming to be investigating this issue because an Asus engineer hypothesized it.
Shouldn't the article be titled: "
Too Hot to Last? Investigating an Asus engineer's Claims About Ryzen Reliability"?
Anyone who has been on this site for more than 10 minutes, knows the vast majority of posters are pro-AMD. It was no accident that "Asus engineer" was replaced in the article title with "Intel." If you want your articles read, why don't you trying accurately titling them? Is inciting the AMD mob with clickbait titles the only way for you to drive traffic now? Keep up the outstanding trolling guys.