Torrent: Black Screen w/ Cursor: Can't finish new downloads.

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May 28, 2016
Ever since about a day or 2 ago when I tried to torrent Sony Vegas, this happens. First I tried to delete the Sony Vegas because it wouldn't work, because my anti virus deleted the program that let it run, the when I went to delete the program my screen when black and then I tried to restart, and it only gave me a black screen with the cursor, I could CTRL+ALT+DELETE, but couldn't get task manager to load. I then had to have a system reset, from before I uninstalled Vegas, then my computer was fine, but then I tried to install Razer Synapse, and it took forever for a simple download, so I tried to close out, and it gave me the black home screen, and task bar, then I would restart and the same as before all black screen with cursor, and I could CTRL+ALT+DELETE, had to do another system reset, but tried to do it from before I even installed Vegas, and it wouldn't let me? I have no idea what to do, it isn't affecting my computer, other that really annoying me, and not allowing me to install programs. Virus maybe?

$600 cheap? you want to let me borrow some money after my PC resets? 😉
Ever since about a day or 2 ago when I tried to torrent Sony Vegas, this happens...

We cannot and will not help you fix pirated software.
There are multiple inexpensive or free video editing tools. No need to pirate an expensive one.

Your system is seriously infected with a virus from your torrent. You might want to think about a full wipe and reinstall.

In any case, closing this.
We won't assist fixing your brokeass PC.
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