Totally Irritated


Feb 10, 2010
I hope you can help. Many times during the day my computer picks up at least 1 (and maybe more than 1) radio station(s). The sound comes across my speakers quit loudly and will drown out anything else I may be listening to. I will close out all of my windows in the hopes that this will stop it but I end up having to reboot completely to get rid of it. Sometimes it will come back almost immediately when the computer comes back up and sometimes I can go for hours without it. However - there is rarely a day go by without this problem. It just started happening about a month ago. I have had this computer for a couple of years without any trouble until then. Any ideas - suggestions?


You might try changing the cable between the speakers and the computer.

Also turn down or disable the line input and mic input to the computer using the Volume control from the Taskbar or Sound Control Settings in Control Panel.

Also play with the volume control on the speakers themselves, if any. This kind of problem can arise from a failed solder joint -- the speaker amplifer is a likely suspect given the poor quality of most audio circuit boards (compared with the high quality of most computer motherboards)