Question Touch screen configuration does not recognise input


Aug 15, 2022
I recently got a second monitor with touch screen capabilities but when I do the configuration step to send the touch response to the correct screen it doesn't seem to work correctly.

The configuration tool starts on the main monitor which is not touch screen so I press enter to skip it to the next screen. Then it says tap the touch screen on the correct display however when I attempt to tap on that monitor it only makes the cursor move on the main screen not the touch screen with no interaction to the configuration window. The configuration tool is still showing blank on the main and the tap the touch screen message on the touch monitor and once exited is still configured to send touch response to the main.

I have both monitors setup and functioning correctly as monitors with the projection settings set to extended. I have had separate windows showing on both screens which is what I was hoping for, the only problem is touch. How can I complete the configuration tool without it doing this?
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Set touch screen as primary?
I won't always be using the touch screen so I need to keep my main as the primary when I have the touch screens off, I am also planning to add a third (another touch screen) which will possibly cause more issues if I can't configure them. The touch screens are also located away from my desk that has my main monitor on it.