[SOLVED] Triple RTX 2080 TI build - VR / 3 screen CAVE system

Feb 3, 2019

I have been blessed by the dean of my university to build a single powerhouse station for our triple screen motion tracking CAVE VR system.

I am currently in the process of composing a pc build that would display VR scenes on the three HD projectors ( will be 4K in the future ). I am wondering if there are such projects out there, and if there is a motherboard that would support at least 4 PCI slots, tripple RTX 2080ti, dual CPU (threadripper if possible ). The rest I can handle, because this isn't the first PC I have built.

The motion capture system is quite "light", the main power hungry element is the simulatanious and aligned display of a scene on 3 screens.

The budget is almost limitless, but within reason ( it can go into the 4 zero price range )

Thanks in advance!

ps. perhaps the tripple GPU is an overkill, perhaps the dual CPU is also an overkill....