Trying to Find Failed Component?

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Feb 18, 2011
HP Laptop, one night the charging cable got tripped up and pulled from the laptop.
Laptop ran all day and ran out of juice and died.

Ended up mangling the DC adapter in the laptop.

So i eventually just bought a new adapter jack for the laptop, and replaced the charging cable, as well as buying a new battery pack for this laptop.

Yet it still will not blink any lights when plugged in, or power on at all.
completely dead.

So i took it apart again and when i pulled the mother board out, i noticed the CMOS battery literally fell right off the motherboard..

Not the small circular battery its self, but it snaps into a black housing unit, which looks to appear to have to be soldered to the mother board. I can always take a pic if that helps but never thought of it at the moment.

But I am just curious could this failed CMOS battery housing component not being securely connected to the motherboard, could this be causing the computer to not power up or light up or hold a charge at all?

I tried pressing it firmly to the mother board and taping it down tight with electrical tape, but that still made no difference, they are pretty small connections, and not sure if i can resolder such small connections for that black housing component that holds the cmos battery.

And will if not, I am guessing more than likely my mother board it self is toast?

I found some motherboards online on ebay ranging from 80-300 dollars lol, So i am hoping its not the actual mother board.

Any one have any thoughts of opinion's on this matter?

Thanks for reading.

Question from confusion101 : "HP Laptop, Not Powering On..."

Well, the first thing I would ask you is the battery and new cord you bought aftermarket or OEM? I ask because aftermarket stuff, while good for many things, isn't so good for laptop cords and batteries. They 'say' they are the same, but many times they aren't. Either the battery doesn't put out the right amount of power, or the cord doesn't send enough power.

Also, in regard to the CMOS battery, it could be a problem but I don't think this would cause what you have going on right now.

Yes as far as i know the Charging Cable and Battery Pack are both fine. The battery pack as the all the same specs on the old battery pack, and the same with the charging cable.

I can take the new charging cable and it will charge my other computer which is a Dell. So i know that's good.
But either way it won't charge or light up anything on the HP in which im having problems with.

I am at a loss at what to do here, Might try a new mother board, but that's an expensive fix which I am to sure if i want to try with out trying any other smaller things first.

I was starting to think maybe the Power Button is dead? But either way it should still at least light up the charging light on the side, when the cable is plugged in, would it not.

Other then that, i can only think of that CMOS or RTC battery which isn't connected to the motherboard at all..?
Having the same specs is not the same as if is OEM or not. Many aftermarket ones say they are the 'same' but turn out to not put out the correct amount of power, or not enough to let a laptop start but enough to run (in the case of batteries). It is not uncommon.

Now, HP laptops sometimes don't like to run if the battery is out, with power connected, unlike many laptops.

It could also be the power button, or something shorted on the motherboard.
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