I bought an ssd from someone with Windows 7 on it. When I initially connected it and booted to it, my keyboard and mouse were working. I then started installing the chipset cd so that I could get networking etc to work. Install needed pc to reboot.
After rebooting, keyboard and mouse stopped working. I tried several of each in different usb ports. I think all the usb ports aren’t responding because speakers, camera, and microphone don’t work either.
If I boot to the win 10 drive, everything works again.
Now I’m stuck on the login screen for the Win 7 drive. What can I do to proceed?
For the dual-boot part, currently my computer ignores which drive I pick and almost always boots to the Win 7 drive. It’s random, and I can’t pinpoint a pattern as to why that’s happening.
My bios is Asus UEFI bios utility 2.16.1240.
Boot option 1 is currently set to Win 10 drive. The new Win 7 drive actually doesn’t show up as a boot option but does show up as a boot override. When I select the Win 10 boot override, it is ignored and boots to the Win 7 drive.
In the Hard Drive BBS Priorities, the ranking is Win 10, Win 7, ssd 3 (no OS).
I can post pictures of the bios screens if that helps.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
After rebooting, keyboard and mouse stopped working. I tried several of each in different usb ports. I think all the usb ports aren’t responding because speakers, camera, and microphone don’t work either.
If I boot to the win 10 drive, everything works again.
Now I’m stuck on the login screen for the Win 7 drive. What can I do to proceed?
For the dual-boot part, currently my computer ignores which drive I pick and almost always boots to the Win 7 drive. It’s random, and I can’t pinpoint a pattern as to why that’s happening.
My bios is Asus UEFI bios utility 2.16.1240.
Boot option 1 is currently set to Win 10 drive. The new Win 7 drive actually doesn’t show up as a boot option but does show up as a boot override. When I select the Win 10 boot override, it is ignored and boots to the Win 7 drive.
In the Hard Drive BBS Priorities, the ranking is Win 10, Win 7, ssd 3 (no OS).
I can post pictures of the bios screens if that helps.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!