turbulence airflow and drag



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Here's a good joke by "Bob Adkins":

> Turbulence is never desirable. It always lessens airflow and
> reduces heat transfer efficiency from heat sink to air.

Of course turbulence lessens airflow! It lessens *laminar*
flow. By disrupting laminar flow, it digs down to the surface
that it's flowing past, it contacts the surface, and it's "dragged",
i.e. it's slowed down by its contact - the very *reason* why
it increases heat removal. The drag is a sign of the contact,
and an indicator of the efficiency of heat removal. Mere
"airflow" past an object is merely air flowing past an object,
not removal of heat. Removal of heat takes *contact*.
Turbulence is therefore certainly desirable because it eliminates
laminar flow - that flow which flows smoothly parallel to the
surface and which does not contact the surface that it passes.
For cooling, laminar flow is bad, turbulent flow is good. And
that which produces turbulence helps in cooling heated



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"Timothy Daniels" <TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote in message
> Here's a good joke by "Bob Adkins":
> > Turbulence is never desirable. It always lessens airflow and
> > reduces heat transfer efficiency from heat sink to air.
> Of course turbulence lessens airflow! It lessens *laminar*
> flow. By disrupting laminar flow, it digs down to the surface
> that it's flowing past, it contacts the surface, and it's "dragged",
> i.e. it's slowed down by its contact - the very *reason* why
> it increases heat removal. The drag is a sign of the contact,
> and an indicator of the efficiency of heat removal. Mere
> "airflow" past an object is merely air flowing past an object,
> not removal of heat. Removal of heat takes *contact*.
> Turbulence is therefore certainly desirable because it eliminates
> laminar flow - that flow which flows smoothly parallel to the
> surface and which does not contact the surface that it passes.
> For cooling, laminar flow is bad, turbulent flow is good. And
> that which produces turbulence helps in cooling heated
> surfaces.
> *TimDaniels*

And also creates "dead" spots. The best cooling is a good constant airflow
in and out...that's pretty much it. Bad air out, good air
in............Pretty simple.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004 22:58:05 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
<TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:

>Here's a good joke by "Bob Adkins":
>> Turbulence is never desirable. It always lessens airflow and
>> reduces heat transfer efficiency from heat sink to air.
> Of course turbulence lessens airflow! It lessens *laminar*
> flow. By disrupting laminar flow, it digs down to the surface
> that it's flowing past, it contacts the surface, and it's "dragged",
> i.e. it's slowed down by its contact - the very *reason* why
> it increases heat removal. The drag is a sign of the contact,
> and an indicator of the efficiency of heat removal. Mere
> "airflow" past an object is merely air flowing past an object,
> not removal of heat. Removal of heat takes *contact*.
> Turbulence is therefore certainly desirable because it eliminates
> laminar flow - that flow which flows smoothly parallel to the
> surface and which does not contact the surface that it passes.
> For cooling, laminar flow is bad, turbulent flow is good. And
> that which produces turbulence helps in cooling heated
> surfaces.

Now a new thread?

Come up with some specifics, a way anyone can have reproducible result
from your theory.

For example, what hole size do you consider optimal?
How much airflow increase (from single large hole) do you consider
necessary to equal same cooling performance as the smaller holes?

IF there were an observed temp difference either way, what percentage or
threshold of temp change is considered signficant enough to care at all?

Without specifics and a reproducible model you have no ground to stand on.
I can theorize that a white case absorbs less light and so the system will
run cooler, but is this true? I can certainly, stubbornly argue it like
you have done with case holes, but that doesn't supplant evidence, not of
the theory but if it in application. It is not enough to claim a Dell
cools well because of holes, you MUST also determine specifics as per
questions I asked above and then TEST that as well.

To keep it simply I"m not even expecting you to consider that dust will
accumulate on those hole edges, reducing turbulence and airflow quite a


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"Ed Medlin" wrote:
> And also creates "dead" spots. The best cooling is a good
> constant airflow in and out...that's pretty much it. Bad air out,
> good air in............Pretty simple.

Exactly. Laminar flow allows dead spots. Turbulent flow
mixes the air all up and gets into the nooks and crannies
to improve heat transfer from the warm surfaces to the
air so that it can be carried away. That's same reason
coffee cools faster if your reverse the direction of stirring
periodically - it creates more turbulence. The same can
be seen in smoke rising from a cigarette. If you want to
get smoke throughout the room, you can wave a newspaper
to stir it up to distribute it better.



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"kony" wrote:
> Come up with some specifics, a way anyone can have
> reproducible result from your theory.
> For example, what hole size do you consider optimal?

There is no "optimal size" to be known a priori.
There is no way of predicting the exact path and
flow of turbulence, just as there is no way to
accurately predict next week's weather. To even
begin to guess at an "optimum size", one would
have to model the entire interior of the case -
physically and thermally - and know the exact
shape of the edge of each hole and the arrangement
of all the holes, the velocity and velocity distribution
of the incoming air, ad nauseum. Then you'd have
to program this all into several supercomputers of
the scale know as "national technical means".
*That* is why case cooling design is a cut-'n-try
art which must first start with a defined physical and
themal layout and taken from there, cutting 'n trying,
cutting 'n trying. Asking "what is the optimal hole size"
is just useless naiveté.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 17:18:04 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
<TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:

>"kony" wrote:
>> Come up with some specifics, a way anyone can have
>> reproducible result from your theory.
>> For example, what hole size do you consider optimal?
> There is no "optimal size" to be known a priori.

There would be if you were right.

> There is no way of predicting the exact path and
> flow of turbulence, just as there is no way to
> accurately predict next week's weather.

Again you cling to an overly simple concept and ignore all else. There is
definitely a way of predicting the path of turbulence, in simulations,
models, and the finished prototype. None of that has anything to do with
optimal hole size except in very space-constrained areas, otherwise the
parth and flow would dictate the number and placement of holes.

> To even
> begin to guess at an "optimum size", one would
> have to model the entire interior of the case -
> physically and thermally

Nope, not at all. The smaller the hole the higher the turbulence but
lower the flow rate. All that is needed is to determine the effectiveness
of this turbulence, where the "break even" point is such that reduction of
airflow isn't more signficant than increase of turbulence. H

> ... - and know the exact
> shape of the edge of each hole and the arrangement
> of all the holes, the velocity and velocity distribution
> of the incoming air, ad nauseum.

Nice try but you're pulling this out of your ass. It's a stamped metal
hole. It is standard except for the progressive wear of the punch until
it's changed.

> Then you'd have
> to program this all into several supercomputers of
> the scale know as "national technical means".

It wouldn't take a supercomputer, but if we're going to spin the largest
yarn possible, sure, let's use a supercomputer!

> *That* is why case cooling design is a cut-'n-try
> art which must first start with a defined physical and
> themal layout and taken from there, cutting 'n trying,
> cutting 'n trying. Asking "what is the optimal hole size"
> is just useless naiveté.

Physical and thermal layout planning is important, but none of that is
restricted to your half-baked concept of hole-turbulence. You provide no
facts, no data, only theories about overgeneralized concepts. You argue
against laminar flow rate yet ignore it being offset by the flow rate

There is one very simple reason why there are several small holes rather
than one large. Small holes divide the airflow and spread it out, not for
turbulence creation from edges of those holes but to reduce dead-spots in
the case. It is laughable that you try to use the word "art" as a
reason, since one could claim the "art" is instead to maximize flow rate
per db noise or cost of fans... half-baked theories with no evidnce are
not an art, they're a daydream.


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"kony" wrote:
> There is
> definitely a way of predicting the path of turbulence, in simulations,
> models, and the finished prototype. None of that has anything to do with
> optimal hole size except in very space-constrained areas, otherwise the
> parth and flow would dictate the number and placement of holes.

Again, turbulence modelling challenges even the largest computing systems.
From http://www.krellinst.org/csgf/mag/2003/practicum.cgi?id=301:

"The unpredictable nature of turbulence has made its mathematical
description challenging. Physicists believe that all the
complexities of turbulent flows can be described by the celebrated
Navier-Stokes equations, which were derived in the mid-1800s,
and come directly from Isaac Newton's laws of motion. They
describe fluid motion down to a microscopic scale. However, even
today's most sophisticated computers aren't powerful enough to
solve these equations for large-scale turbulent flows, and until
they are, some engineers say turbulence remains an unsolved problem."

From http://www.ae.ic.ac.uk/research/tfms/subject.html:

"These techniques are collectively referred to as Computational
Fluid Dynamics. Within this general area, some of the most
challenging flows are those in which turbulence plays an
important role - or, indeed, in which turbulence is the
phenomenon of interest."

From http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/chorin-turbulence.html:

"BERKELEY, CA - For more than 30 years, Dr. Alexandre
Chorin has worked to develop computational methods for solving
problems in fluid mechanics, with the hope that they will eventually
lead to an understanding of the most difficult problem of applied
mathematics -- the problem of turbulence."
"What makes the turbulence problem so compelling, in addition to
its practical importance, Chorin says, is that the basic equations
that describe turbulence are well known and simple, yet their solutions
are incredibly complex and the computing power needed to find them
transcends any imaginable computer."

You get the idea.



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On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 16:55:54 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
<TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:

> Exactly. Laminar flow allows dead spots. Turbulent flow
> mixes the air all up and gets into the nooks and crannies
> to improve heat transfer from the warm surfaces to the
> air so that it can be carried away. That's same reason
> coffee cools faster if your reverse the direction of stirring
> periodically - it creates more turbulence. The same can
> be seen in smoke rising from a cigarette. If you want to
> get smoke throughout the room, you can wave a newspaper
> to stir it up to distribute it better.

Boy Tim, you are way off on this one.

Yes, even turbulent air cools better than no air movement at all (as in the
coffee analogy)

But nothing beats laminar airflow for sheer contact area and air movement.


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On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 16:55:54 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
<TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:

> Exactly. Laminar flow allows dead spots. Turbulent flow
Laminar airflow is the ABSENCE of dead spots.

> periodically - it creates more turbulence. The same can
> be seen in smoke rising from a cigarette. If you want to
> get smoke throughout the room, you can wave a newspaper
> to stir it up to distribute it better.

Tim, if you want to see a sweet cooling system, look at this:


All airflow in this system is 100% laminar, and the CPU is chilled to -40F
with nothing more than ROOM AIR!

Well, that's just about as believable as the cigarette analogy. :D


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"Bob Adkins" obfuscates again:
> Yes, even turbulent air cools better than no air movement
> at all (as in the coffee analogy)
> But nothing beats laminar airflow for sheer contact area
> and air movement.

To the contrary, contact area is improved with turbulence.
It's laminar flow, by definition, which minimizes contact.
Laminar flow, by its very name, approximates sheets (lamina)
of air sliding over each other parallel to the surface it passes.
Turbulence reaches down through the boundary layer to
contact the surface.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

"Bob Adkins" wrote:
>"Timothy Daniels" wrote:
> > Exactly. Laminar flow allows dead spots. Turbulent flow
> >
> Laminar airflow is the ABSENCE of dead spots.

Not in complex passageways or over complex surfaces
such as the interior of a PC case. In such environments,
laminar flow gradually turns to turbulent flow. The
advantage of turbulent flow at the head of the passageway
is that the components at the front get the benefits of
turbulent flow as well.

> Tim, if you want to see a sweet cooling system, look at this:
> http://webpages.charter.net/bobad/cool.htm

To quote the webpage:

"Cut out the hole and install the 120mm fan
blowing INWARD."

The fan blowing INTO the case supplies the turbulence.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 02:16:30 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
<TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:

>"kony" wrote:
>> There is
>> definitely a way of predicting the path of turbulence, in simulations,
>> models, and the finished prototype. None of that has anything to do with
>> optimal hole size except in very space-constrained areas, otherwise the
>> parth and flow would dictate the number and placement of holes.
> Again, turbulence modelling challenges even the largest computing systems.
>From http://www.krellinst.org/csgf/mag/2003/practicum.cgi?id=301:
> "The unpredictable nature of turbulence has made its mathematical
> description challenging. Physicists believe that all the
> complexities of turbulent flows can be described by the celebrated
> Navier-Stokes equations, which were derived in the mid-1800s,
> and come directly from Isaac Newton's laws of motion. They
> describe fluid motion down to a microscopic scale. However, even
> today's most sophisticated computers aren't powerful enough to
> solve these equations for large-scale turbulent flows, and until
> they are, some engineers say turbulence remains an unsolved problem."

I don't know how to break this to you, but we are not ignorant of
turbulence. It can easily be isolated and the only factor and magnified,
then seen to improve heat dispersion. That is certainly NOT the situation
here, with the chassis holes.

>From http://www.ae.ic.ac.uk/research/tfms/subject.html:
> "These techniques are collectively referred to as Computational
> Fluid Dynamics. Within this general area, some of the most
> challenging flows are those in which turbulence plays an
> important role - or, indeed, in which turbulence is the
> phenomenon of interest."

You need to step back and consider that we are not noobs, do not need to
be educated about the effects of turbulence. The EFFECT of that
turbulence as created by (your case hole) theory is another matter.

>From http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/chorin-turbulence.html:
> "BERKELEY, CA - For more than 30 years, Dr. Alexandre
> Chorin has worked to develop computational methods for solving
> problems in fluid mechanics, with the hope that they will eventually
> lead to an understanding of the most difficult problem of applied
> mathematics -- the problem of turbulence."
> "What makes the turbulence problem so compelling, in addition to
> its practical importance, Chorin says, is that the basic equations
> that describe turbulence are well known and simple, yet their solutions
> are incredibly complex and the computing power needed to find them
> transcends any imaginable computer."
>You get the idea.

Yes, the idea is that you have taken a concept and tried to argue that it
outweighs every other possible parameter, blindly, with no reason or
data, testing, etc.

You claim turbulence from case holes is significant. I could claim
turbulence from a fly's wings, taped to front of case, helps too. All the
same half-baked theories about turbulence could apply, but you still
ignore all ESSENTIAL facts:

How much turbulence is created?

Is this enough to offset reduction in flow rate?

Does this turbulence persist, how quickly does it diminish with distance
from the holes? Would you actually have MORE turbulence with a less
restrictive intake, no sharp-edged holes, so more air flows in past
components at a higher rate, creating more turbulence inside the
chassis.... so having holes that create turbulence, results in LESS

You have no proof that case holes have ANY positive effect. Your theories
are only one consideration among many. By ignoring the rest of the
(actually having NO) data, you cannot logically come to the conclusion you


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

"kony" wrote:
> You need to step back and consider that we are not noobs,
> do not need to be educated about the effects of turbulence.

OK, I'm glad you finally accept that turbulence aids heat
transfer between a surface and a passing fluid.

> The EFFECT of that turbulence as created by (your case hole)
> theory is another matter. [........]
> You claim turbulence from case holes is significant. [.........]
> Does this turbulence persist, how quickly does it diminish with distance
> from the holes? Would you actually have MORE turbulence with a less
> restrictive intake, no sharp-edged holes, so more air flows in past
> components at a higher rate, creating more turbulence inside the
> chassis.... so having holes that create turbulence, results in LESS
> turbulence.
> You have no proof that case holes have ANY positive effect. Your
> theories are only one consideration among many. By ignoring the rest
> of the (actually having NO) data, you cannot logically come to the
> conclusion you claim.

Do you have any data to prove the opposite - that sharp edged holes
create only insignificant turbulence?



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"Bob Adkins" <bobadkins@charter.net> wrote in message
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 16:55:54 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
> <TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:
>> Exactly. Laminar flow allows dead spots. Turbulent flow
> Laminar airflow is the ABSENCE of dead spots.
>> periodically - it creates more turbulence. The same can
>> be seen in smoke rising from a cigarette. If you want to
>> get smoke throughout the room, you can wave a newspaper
>> to stir it up to distribute it better.
> Tim, if you want to see a sweet cooling system, look at this:
> http://webpages.charter.net/bobad/cool.htm
> All airflow in this system is 100% laminar, and the CPU is chilled to -40F
> with nothing more than ROOM AIR!
> Well, that's just about as believable as the cigarette analogy. :D
> Bob
> Remove "kins" to reply by e-mail.

Very interesting.
Do you have more pictures (inside may be), why put the fan on the side in
the back and not in front, comparison of overall sound of the fans before
and after (I mean a case with only PSU fan and an additional exhaust fan
compared to this), ......


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"Bob Adkins" <bobadkins@charter.net> wrote in message
> On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 16:55:54 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
> <TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:
> > Exactly. Laminar flow allows dead spots. Turbulent flow
> >
> Laminar airflow is the ABSENCE of dead spots.
> > periodically - it creates more turbulence. The same can
> > be seen in smoke rising from a cigarette. If you want to
> > get smoke throughout the room, you can wave a newspaper
> > to stir it up to distribute it better.
> Tim, if you want to see a sweet cooling system, look at this:
> http://webpages.charter.net/bobad/cool.htm
> All airflow in this system is 100% laminar, and the CPU is chilled to -40F
> with nothing more than ROOM AIR!
> Well, that's just about as believable as the cigarette analogy. :D

Where on earth does it say "-40", nowhere. This is simply a boged filter
system made from tupperware. Is this a joke?


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Timothy Daniels wrote:

> "kony" wrote:
>>You need to step back and consider that we are not noobs,
>>do not need to be educated about the effects of turbulence.
> OK, I'm glad you finally accept that turbulence aids heat
> transfer between a surface and a passing fluid.
>>The EFFECT of that turbulence as created by (your case hole)
>>theory is another matter. [........]
>>You claim turbulence from case holes is significant. [.........]
>>Does this turbulence persist, how quickly does it diminish with distance
>>from the holes? Would you actually have MORE turbulence with a less
>>restrictive intake, no sharp-edged holes, so more air flows in past
>>components at a higher rate, creating more turbulence inside the
>>chassis.... so having holes that create turbulence, results in LESS
>>You have no proof that case holes have ANY positive effect. Your
>>theories are only one consideration among many. By ignoring the rest
>>of the (actually having NO) data, you cannot logically come to the
>>conclusion you claim.
> Do you have any data to prove the opposite - that sharp edged holes
> create only insignificant turbulence?

Science don't work that way (neither does anything else based on logic and
reasoning). YOU proposed the 'theory' (the term loosely applied) so it is
up to YOU to 'prove' it and not for someone else to disprove it.

> *TimDaniels*


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On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 23:49:51 -0400, "Battleax" <unavailable@thistime.net>

>Where on earth does it say "-40", nowhere. This is simply a boged filter
>system made from tupperware. Is this a joke?

Yes, it's a joke. Jeeze, chill out man!


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On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 23:26:58 +0200, Ken <___ken3@telia.com> wrote:

>On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 12:06:33 -0500, Bob Adkins <bobadkins@charter.net>
>> Yes, even turbulent air cools better than no
>> air movement at all (as in the coffee analogy)

What ho! Good God man! That's a scary ass fan!

If lab assistants start disappearing, I bet I know where they went!


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On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 18:12:30 GMT, "Navid" <nospam@nospam.invalid> wrote:

>Very interesting.
>Do you have more pictures (inside may be), why put the fan on the side in
>the back and not in front, comparison of overall sound of the fans before
>and after (I mean a case with only PSU fan and an additional exhaust fan
>compared to this), ......

The "system" was built with 5 things in mind.

*Good cooling of an overclocked system (P4 2.8 > 3.3 Ghz)
*Excellent filtration
*Exceedingly easy to change filter
*Reasonably quiet

The whole thing cost me ~US20.

It is quiet, because I can adjust the 3 fans. I never need to crank them up
unless I'm gaming, which is seldom. Temp runs ~27c at idle and ~40c running
a game. On minimum speed, all I can hear are the CPU and PSU fan, but
they're not too bad.

The filtration system is perfect, because the case has positive pressure
(like an assembly clean room or a surgery). Air can only enter the case
through the 120mm fan and filter. It takes 20 seconds to change the filter.
No fumbling with screws, clips, or snaps. I have 2000 feet of carpet and 2
cats, and got tired of chasing dust bunnies. :)

Keep checking. I will post more pics on the site in a day or 2.


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"David Maynard" wrote:
> Science don't work that way (neither does anything else
> based on logic and reasoning). YOU proposed the 'theory'
> (the term loosely applied) so it is up to YOU to 'prove' it
> and not for someone else to disprove it.

No, my theory is based on solid aerodynamics and
thermodynamics that say that turbulence aids heat
transfer and that fluid flow through an orifice in a thin
plate produces turbulence. The logical conclusion is that
fluid flow through an orifice in a thin plate cools better
than fluid flow through open air (i.e. just one big hole).
You, on the other hand, dispute that, so *you* must
prove your radical theories.



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

Timothy Daniels wrote:

> "David Maynard" wrote:
>>Science don't work that way (neither does anything else
>>based on logic and reasoning). YOU proposed the 'theory'
>>(the term loosely applied) so it is up to YOU to 'prove' it
>>and not for someone else to disprove it.
> No, my theory is based on solid aerodynamics and
> thermodynamics that say that turbulence aids heat
> transfer and that fluid flow through an orifice in a thin
> plate produces turbulence. The logical conclusion is that
> fluid flow through an orifice in a thin plate cools better
> than fluid flow through open air (i.e. just one big hole).

Doesn't make any difference what you claim your theory is 'based on'; it's
still up to you to prove it.

> You, on the other hand, dispute that, so *you* must
> prove your radical theories.

I have never disputed 'solid aerodynamics and thermodynamics'. What I
dispute are your unfounded willy nilly and erroneous extrapolations.

> *TimDaniels*


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 17:31:13 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
<TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:

>"David Maynard" wrote:
>> Science don't work that way (neither does anything else
>> based on logic and reasoning). YOU proposed the 'theory'
>> (the term loosely applied) so it is up to YOU to 'prove' it
>> and not for someone else to disprove it.
> No, my theory is based on solid aerodynamics and
> thermodynamics

Nope, it's based on a theoretical model that can't be applied without
consideration of mitigating factors.

> that say that turbulence aids heat
> transfer

Given similar flow rate, but when the chassis air intake itself is causing
the turbulence, the flow rate clearly decreases in direct proportion to
the amount of turbulence created. Reduced flow rate means reduced thermal
energy removal, whether the air has this trivial additional turbulence or

> and that fluid flow through an orifice in a thin
> plate produces turbulence.

Which would be ideal for cooling anything mounted directly to the front
wall of the case, mounted in a fashion that further decreases airflow, and
as it heats, creates a front pressure zone that causes additional drop in
intake airflow. Slow moving hot air moves up towards rest of system,
having lost most of it's turbulence except for newly created turbulence
from obstacles inside the case, until it's warm enough that other
heatsinks are less effective due to this higher ambient temp.

Turbulence measured to cause removal of more heat, is generally compared
to a flow of same temp air. Your theory does not consider same temp, nor
same flow rate. Both of those are based on "solid thermodynamics" as you
put it, so again, you ignore all but what suits your argument.

> The logical conclusion is that

.... until testing is done you're just blowing hot air.

> fluid flow through an orifice in a thin plate cools better
> than fluid flow through open air (i.e. just one big hole).
> You, on the other hand, dispute that, so *you* must
> prove your radical theories.

Back here on earth, it's not a radical theory that [reduction in airflow
rate results in higher temps]. You have yet to establish any data
concluding that the turbulence from the case holes will result in any
measureable temp drop, yet practically all of us have first-hand knowledge
that reduced airflow rate does increase temps. Surely we can at least
agree that when this turbulence is created (no matter how little or much)
it MUST reduce flow rate. Problem is, the flow rate stays lowered even if
the turblence disperses. Usefull turbulence is created by the surface of
the object needing cooled, NOT the chassis.


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"kony" wrote in error:
> Reduced flow rate means reduced thermal energy removal,

Absolutely wrong. If the flow is laminar, the thermal
energy transfer can be low for high flow rates. If the
flow is turbulent, the thermal energy transfer can be
high for low flow rates. Turbulence increases the rate
of heat transfer over that of laminar flow. It makes
the flow more efficient. That was shown by the links
that I posted earlier. Flow rate is only an indicator of
heat transfer if one keeps the degree of turbulence constant.

> Back here on earth, it's not a radical theory that [reduction in airflow
> rate results in higher temps].

That statement is only true for a given degree of turbulence (however
it is that you measure turbulence). For a given degree of turbulence,
a higher flow rate WILL increase heat transfer. For a given flow rate,
highter turbulence will increase heat transfer.

>You have yet to establish any data concluding that the turbulence
> from the case holes will result in any measureable temp drop,

All that I have stated is just established physics of fluid flow.
And you're asking me to "prove" that. You would undoubtedly
want me to prove f=ma and e=mc**2 as well. And why?
What would you gain by eliminating all the holes in front of
the case and leaving just one big hole? What would you gain?

> yet practically all of us have first-hand knowledge
> that reduced airflow rate does increase temps.

That is because for a given degree of turbulence,
higher flow rate gives higher rate of heat transfer.
But if you keep the flow rate constant, more
turbulence would do the same thing. Your "first-
hand knowledge" is correct - but incomplete.

> Surely we can at least agree that when this turbulence is created
> (no matter how little or much) it MUST reduce flow rate.

Yes, it reduces flow rate. And that reduction is one measure
of drag, which in turn is a measure of contact between the
moving fluid and the surface over which it flows, and that
degree of "contact" determines the rate of heat transfer.
The very reduction in flow rate indicates increased heat

> Problem is, the flow rate stays lowered even if the turblence
> disperses.

Problem is, that "dispersed turbulence" has already transfered
a lot of heat - it did its job.

> Usefull turbulence is created by the surface of
> the object needing cooled, NOT the chassis.

The object "needing cooled" cares not a whit
where the turbulence comes from - whether it
be a fan blowing into the case, sharp edges of holes,
or little men inside waving their arms. But the way
to get a full degree of turbulence to the upstream
components is to provide the turbulence pre-made,
and the cheapest way to do that is with many holes
in the front of the case.



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On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 23:28:26 -0700, "Timothy Daniels"
<TDaniels@NoSpamDot.com> wrote:

>"kony" wrote in error:
>> Reduced flow rate means reduced thermal energy removal,
> Absolutely wrong. If the flow is laminar, the thermal
> energy transfer can be low for high flow rates. If the
> flow is turbulent, the thermal energy transfer can be
> high for low flow rates.

In a model, where there is initial reading, measured component, this can
be observed. In a more complex system, after meeting obstructions and
cooling first component in path of air, it is already a reduced
efficiency at cooling rest of system. Case holes are not creating a high
turbulence, relatively speaking. You keep ignoring this but it doesn't
change by omission. Before flow has reached end of system, it is a
non-turbulent, slow moving, overheated stream... inferior in cooling. You
keep getting confused that a theory of "laminar" flow is only a model,
that once this flow enters a case and meets temp differentials,
obstructions, it is no longer so laminar... turbulence is created just as
it was in your theory, but created AFTER air enters case rather than at
the entry point where the flow rate would be reduced most drastically.

>Turbulence increases the rate
> of heat transfer over that of laminar flow. It makes
> the flow more efficient. That was shown by the links
> that I posted earlier. Flow rate is only an indicator of
> heat transfer if one keeps the degree of turbulence constant.

You keep coming back to simplistic concepts in dissimilar situations. In
a dissimilar situation we could also note that colors, metal type, and
other factors have an effect on some dissimilar model, but we're
considering one specific situation... or rather, you aren't. You are
ASSUMING your theory applied to this specific situation because you are
stuck in argument mode and aren't considering all the issues.

>> Back here on earth, it's not a radical theory that [reduction in airflow
>> rate results in higher temps].
> That statement is only true for a given degree of turbulence (however
> it is that you measure turbulence). For a given degree of turbulence,
> a higher flow rate WILL increase heat transfer. For a given flow rate,
> highter turbulence will increase heat transfer.

Yes, but it's NOT a "given" flow rate, the flow rate will always be
lowered by the creation of the turbulence and the hole design in general.
We already covered this but you ignored what you didn't understand.

> >You have yet to establish any data concluding that the turbulence
>> from the case holes will result in any measureable temp drop,
> All that I have stated is just established physics of fluid flow.
> And you're asking me to "prove" that. You would undoubtedly
> want me to prove f=ma and e=mc**2 as well. And why?
> What would you gain by eliminating all the holes in front of
> the case and leaving just one big hole? What would you gain?

No, you did not state established physics once you applied someone else's
theory to a dissimilar model. There is plenty of reason why this
dissimilar model will behave diffferently but you never bothered to
consider that. Theory with no testing is a waste of time.

>> yet practically all of us have first-hand knowledge
>> that reduced airflow rate does increase temps.
> That is because for a given degree of turbulence,
> higher flow rate gives higher rate of heat transfer.
> But if you keep the flow rate constant, more
> turbulence would do the same thing. Your "first-
> hand knowledge" is correct - but incomplete.

Flow rate will not remain constant, we already covered that. There are
several variables and you only consider one, when it's already established
that other variables are as, or more, significant.

>> Surely we can at least agree that when this turbulence is created
>> (no matter how little or much) it MUST reduce flow rate.
> Yes, it reduces flow rate. And that reduction is one measure
> of drag, which in turn is a measure of contact between the
> moving fluid and the surface over which it flows, and that
> degree of "contact" determines the rate of heat transfer.
> The very reduction in flow rate indicates increased heat
> transfer.

Unfortunately you can't just claim a heat transfer without considering the
rate at which that heat is removed from the chassis. Again, you want to
apply a simple concept to an entire system, ignoring all variables that
don't suit your argument.

Further, this "drag" is going to be cooling the case holes themselves... I
dont' recall ever hearing of anyone with a case-hole overheating problem.
It is detrimental to create drag at a point in the system that doesn't do
anything useful in itself, at that drag point.

>> Problem is, the flow rate stays lowered even if the turblence
>> disperses.
> Problem is, that "dispersed turbulence" has already transfered
> a lot of heat - it did its job.

Nope, you have yet to establish that it transferred a lot of heat, only
that it could in a dissimilar model.

>> Usefull turbulence is created by the surface of
>> the object needing cooled, NOT the chassis.
> The object "needing cooled" cares not a whit
> where the turbulence comes from - whether it
> be a fan blowing into the case, sharp edges of holes,
> or little men inside waving their arms.

It does matter where the turbulence comes from, because the entry point
into the system is where the flow rate is dropping. Again you try to
claim turbulence helps cooling while ignoring that your theory
drasitcally lowers flow rate, and ignoring that this turbulence created at
front of case is not going to persist, will be supplanted by other
turbulence created inside the case, but at a lower rate because your
theory reduced the overall flow rate.

> the way
> to get a full degree of turbulence to the upstream
> components is to provide the turbulence pre-made,
> and the cheapest way to do that is with many holes
> in the front of the case.

You are not getting a full degreee of turbulence. You are creating a
trival amount of turbulence that subsides, while lowering flow rate, which
lowers turbulence created later inside the chassis. Holes are cheap, and
they "can" be effective, but not because they're designed to create
turbulence, rather to spread airflow.

You mentioned a smoke ring in prior replies. Certainly it's turbulent,
but it travels in a single path, minimally effecting air around it.
Compare it to smoke propelled with same amount of energy but not in a
smoke ring, so it is necessarily at higher velocity or pressure... the
smoke moves out and reaches multiple areas, disturbing more surrounding
area, and in a chassis, would reduce dead spots.

You came up with a concept that you can't prove, because you can't test
it. You can't test it because the theory only applies in limited,
dissimilar situations.