

Jan 10, 2004
I want to hook my computer up to my TV so I can play movies from my computer on my TV. But none of my local stores have S-Video cables long enough to go from my computer to my TV. So what I did was I got a piece that plugs into the video card(s-video slot)and has a Video RCA hook-up on the other side |
Tv-Out---> |]<[Converter]<[RCA}-----
That was probably useless...but oh well. I'm guessing thats what the little piece was used for because it came with my Radeon 9000 and I'm guessing its for Tv's without s-video. So will something like that work? I've tried and can't get it too work but the guy at Radio Shack said it should and I don't see why not.

My Rig:
AthlonXP 2000+ 1.677ghz
GeForce Verto FX5200 128mb DDR
Maxtor 7200RPM 80GB, Stock 40gb
Kingston 384MB DDR
Cendyne 52x24x52 CD-RW
Lite-On 4x DVD-RW
Go EMachines...🙁
No thanks...I could probably just go to a near by town and get a long S-Video cable for much less. Thanks anyway

My Rig:
AthlonXP 2000+ 1.677ghz
GeForce Verto FX5200 128mb DDR
Maxtor 7200RPM 80GB, Stock 40gb
Kingston 384MB DDR
Cendyne 52x24x52 CD-RW
Lite-On 4x DVD-RW
Go EMachines...🙁
theres no reason it shouldnt work, maybe you got the wrong adaptor. ive seen two kinds. one just had another pin that was only used for rca, not really an adaptor. another one connected the appropriat pins from the svideo con to the rca con. you might have to turn on the display in video settings, ati cards automaticaly clone the second display on boot, but once they are in windows you have to set it up. cs game server -
now featuring (optional) cheating death!
Why don't you get a S-video cable extension. I've that in my own system so it can reach the TV.

Gary Hendricks
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