I want to hook my computer up to my TV so I can play movies from my computer on my TV. But none of my local stores have S-Video cables long enough to go from my computer to my TV. So what I did was I got a piece that plugs into the video card(s-video slot)and has a Video RCA hook-up on the other side |
Tv-Out---> |]<[Converter]<[RCA}-----
That was probably useless...but oh well. I'm guessing thats what the little piece was used for because it came with my Radeon 9000 and I'm guessing its for Tv's without s-video. So will something like that work? I've tried and can't get it too work but the guy at Radio Shack said it should and I don't see why not.
My Rig:
AthlonXP 2000+ 1.677ghz
GeForce Verto FX5200 128mb DDR
Maxtor 7200RPM 80GB, Stock 40gb
Kingston 384MB DDR
Cendyne 52x24x52 CD-RW
Lite-On 4x DVD-RW
Go EMachines...🙁
Tv-Out---> |]<[Converter]<[RCA}-----
That was probably useless...but oh well. I'm guessing thats what the little piece was used for because it came with my Radeon 9000 and I'm guessing its for Tv's without s-video. So will something like that work? I've tried and can't get it too work but the guy at Radio Shack said it should and I don't see why not.
My Rig:
AthlonXP 2000+ 1.677ghz
GeForce Verto FX5200 128mb DDR
Maxtor 7200RPM 80GB, Stock 40gb
Kingston 384MB DDR
Cendyne 52x24x52 CD-RW
Lite-On 4x DVD-RW
Go EMachines...🙁