Question Two 144hz monitors only showing 65 fps when extended, but 144 fps when duplicated

May 11, 2021
I just bought a second 144hz monitor. Both monitors are set to 144hz but when i set multiple displays to 'Extend these displays', 'Show only 1' or 'Show only 2' it only shows 65 fps on UFO test. However, when i set it to 'Duplicate these displays' they both show 144 fps. Does anyone know why this is happening and if there is a way to fix it. I have gtx 1050 ti.
ASUS Cerberus GeForce® GTX 1050 Ti OC Edition 4GB GDDR5. One monitor is connected with dp, the other with HDMI. I tried turning one monitor off by setting it to 'Show only 1' and pressing the off button on the monitor. I know it would work if I completely unplugged the cables on one monitor because I only had 1 monitor until today and it was working on 144hz as expected. I have driver version 461.72
Well good afternoon, I hope you are having a great day , to say the most your graphics card is not the ideal for both monitors at 144hz in terms of gpu power output, to clarify more when you are setting the monitor to duplicate they work individualy so they show 144fps both because they are runnning at 1920*1080 both when you extend they are working together because it adultarates the resolotion thats why you cant achive 144 fps in extended mode.
Hello, thank you guys for replying. For some reason my monitors are now both showing 144 fps on extended mode. All i did was switch between 'duplicate' , 'extended' , 'show only 1' and 'show only 2' probably 20 times, and the 20th time worked. I don't really get it but I'm not complaining. My only concern now is - can that in any way damage my gpu since it's not that great? I'm sorry if that question is dumb but I'm a huge noob when it comes to things like this.