[citation][nom]cmcghee358[/nom]Do you have any idea how stupid you sound. This was a man that tried to take over the free world, he didn't perceive Jewish people as human beings. He was able to coerce the entire population of countries to believe that Jews were animals to be slaughtered. In one short sentence, you have managed to excuse, justify, diminish, and make allowances for one of the worst human beings in our modern history. Shame on you.[/citation]
You're probably a jew and you felt offended by only reading the name "Hitler".
Cut the crap and stop with all that whining about what he did, which was bad, very bad, but also very exaggerated. Exaggerated to the point that 70 years later, people (jews) are still whining.
Anyway, i can point for you few others that were even worse than Hitler, but nobody gives a shit, cause there were no jews involved.....just some other dead people....