So 20% of the people who play their games have pirated copies... Yeah that's whats killing PC gaming, not the prices of hardware, inexperience with hardware which result in expensive Geek Squad visits, and the hassle of installing games on a computer. No it is piracy. Developers just can't cope with losing a fifth of their potential customers!
To be honest, how many of those pirates would buy the game if it were not for piracy, probably very few. Piracy is not the issue, it is hard to compete with consoles when PC gaming requires so much more knowledge and experience to use. You don't need to install patches, update drivers, tweak display and audio settings, or deal with DRMs with consoles. PC gaming is dying thanks to the lack of innovation, high price of gaming PCs, the work put into maintaining the PC and game, and the lack of community with the PC. Sorry Ubisoft, but you need shut the hell up, afterall Ubisoft makes some of the most glitchy and broken PC titles out there. That might be a problem.