I can relate to some of it all, I mean,
If you need to buy a new pc every 4 years, because it's unable to play the newer games, it's more than normal people try to find alternate ways to game.
I myself don't game,and if I do, I'm happy to play some of the opensource games found for free online.
But most of my time I really am too old to still game around.
It's not only piracy, it's the people. Many people don't have the time or money anymore to spend on gaming.
We are the gaming generation, the generation born between '78 and '83.
Newer kids find more fun on their skateboards, outside with their friends, going to places and stuff.
We are the generation buying these games in the past, but we now have families and need to feed them...
So it's not (only) the piracy.. Besides, ever since DOOM came out,I haven't really seen many new games. Most games where just but upgraded versions of already existing games to the third and fourth generation.
But a 1th person shooter in my eyes (which I don't really like) will always be a 1th person shooter. DOOM, or the latest version of quake/or other games like this...
Games used to be fun, because they used to have a great story line to them.
Not anymore. A mere 'finish levels', do briefing, and skip the next level until it's 'the end' really doesn't satisfy gamers anymore.
Like Toms say, stop blaming the pirates,when I finally find a good game worth buying, I will (however I haven't done that for 6 years, since for 6 years I hardly play anymore; and hardly meaning maybe one game per year).