Ubisoft Revive DRM Servers After DDoS Attack

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I refuse to buy any game that has such a DRM scheme as this. Will not be purchasing ANY Ubisoft games from here on out until they change this practice. I canceled my pre-order when I heard about the DRM.
LoL, wowo. Ubi is going to loose as much money protecting the DRM as they would from pirated software... I didn't know those games were that good hehe. But PoP is cool though.
but its cooler to say we lost 1billion nonexistant sales to people in 3rd world countries that wouldnt buy it anyway.

than it is to say we lost 500million $ in sales to people boycotting our over zealous drm schemes.. that didnt stop the hackers anyway.
The best part is that the groups that release hacked versions have got around nearly all DRM's that companies have developed so far. I have seen torrents from multiple companies on "certain" websites that apparently work, and are supposed to be DRM protected. All this is doing is wasting developers money, spending more money to develop DRM that turns off a great majority of gamers, which gets hacked in a week or less anyways. Waste of time and resources, and ends up hurting the developers more in the end IMO.
[citation][nom]MitchMeister-[/nom]The best part is that the groups that release hacked versions have got around nearly all DRM's that companies have developed so far. I have seen torrents from multiple companies on "certain" websites that apparently work, and are supposed to be DRM protected. All this is doing is wasting developers money, spending more money to develop DRM that turns off a great majority of gamers, which gets hacked in a week or less anyways. Waste of time and resources, and ends up hurting the developers more in the end IMO.[/citation]
And that is exactly why I refuse to endure such a poorly conceived DRM scheme. It results in a unnecessarily poor consumer experience for those who legitimately buy the game and support their asses. Why endure all that when I could play a pirated version worry free...this DRM has driven me to pirate a game I would have otherwise paid for! In other words, they are generating negative revenue (as far as my purchase would have gone!) and poor consumer opinions.
Three months from now:
Three rough months for Ubisoft have led the developer to pull the plug on the whole ordeal.
Ubisoft has announced that the rising operating costs of its validation server has surpassed the revenue brought in by sales of the games that are affected by the DRM method introduced just three months ago. Ubisoft cites sluggish sales, heightened DDoS attacks, and the successful cracking of their DRM within one week of its U.S. debut as reasons for this troubling development. Ubisoft has issued a statement that they plan to pull the plug on the validation server by the end of this month, and will be withdrawing from the PC gaming market altogether. No word as of yet on whether an official patch will be released to allow affected games to operate without contacting the validation server.


Good riddance. Worst. DRM. Ever.

Who needs an official patch? The pirates have cracked it wide open and it's already been floating around DRM-free for almost 3 months now.

I wish developers would stop leaving the PC platform for consoles exclusively. This is so lame. And what about us honest users who bought this game legitimately? Are we being left out in the rain because the stupid DRM made the game easier to pirate than to buy? It was bad enough I couldn't play without being connected to the internet, but now I won't be able to play even when I am connected? I want my money back. Total ripoff.

Umm, this is news? We all knew it was gonna happen. It's not like Ubisoft has even made a worthwhile PC game in the past… well, ever. Not really such a big loss methinks.

[citation][nom]uberh4xx0r[/nom]Umm, this is news? We all knew it was gonna happen. It's not like Ubisoft has even made a worthwhile PC game in the past… well, ever. Not really such a big loss methinks.[/citation]
Because it's totally not like they spent so much money trying futilely to protect their games from piracy to actually make games worth buying. If it weren't for the pirates, methinks they would have had some extra money to make a halfway decent game, yeah? No, wait, you're right. Ubisoft PC games have been pretty crappy for a while now, even before this whole DRM SNAFU.
"Oppress the people and they shall rise up against." I morally support attackers who are standing up for a little man. The media industry needs to overhaul their shitty system and get up with the times.
Sweet! So if I pay Ubisoft $60 they'll sell me a crippled product that was cheaper for them to produce than the same $60 game on the consoles? SIGN ME UP FOR THIS! Hell, I'll take two!
[citation][nom]waffle911[/nom]Three months from now...[/citation]

You forgot to introduce some obvious spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in the "article", and have the grammar police bitching about it in the comment section 😉
I still think that the DDoS Attack is a cover story for a lack of DRM servers capacity and that the partial reestablishment of the servers is just a lie to avoid bad sales in the US during the game launch.
Can you blame them for wanting to protect their intellectual property? I think it's great that someone is making and all out stand against pirates. Why should they make games for us when we keep stealing? When we actually buy their games they have the money and potential to make more great titles (I say potential because we are sometimes let down). I would buy ACII just because it's DRMed. They can stop DRMing when we stop Pirating their stuff. Granted, it's never going to happen either way. You go Ubisoft.
Can you blame them for wanting to protect their intellectual property? I think it's great that someone is making and all out stand against pirates. Why should they make games for us when we keep stealing? When we actually buy their games they have the money and potential to make more great titles (I say potential because we are sometimes let down). I would buy ACII just because it's DRMed. They can stop DRMing when we stop Pirating their stuff. Granted, it's never going to happen either way. You go Ubisoft.

They wont have any legit customers left if they employ such DRM schemes, they are only hurting the legit buyers not the pirates. Its not that they employ DRM that make people angry - its to what level and this is too far.

They know they more than likely will have issues with the drm while the pirates doesn't - Is the pirates who didn't even pay for the product supposed to have a better experience with it than the legit customers?

I'm just curious, what publisher company do you work for with comments like this where you don't want any consumer rights at all?
The DRM will not stop pirates.

The more intrusive the DRM is the most likely it's flawed and open every consumer for hacking attacks.

In the future anti-virus will alert about Ubisoft games being installed.
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