UK Teen Buys Photo of Xbox One on Ebay for £450

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Completely his fault and if it was stated then the seller shouldn't have gotten banned. Hmm 12 years ago I was scammed $493 to the penny on a laptop from eBay before Paypal and the buyer's protection was around.
No no no people. "Read" the article! He's 19 and has a 4 year old son. So he was 14 when he made that child... Doesn't seem too bright to me. How old was the kids mom????
I never get this, when you take out a bank loan or buy anything.
You always should take the time to read the terms and conditions.
If you fail to do this then in large part it is your own fault.

If the E-bay add clearly stated it was only for a picture, then the fault is with the person who failed to understand what was on offer.

Like everything in life check and double check.
These days it does not surprise me though.
Almost half the people who buy laptops ect, fail to even bother to read a manual that is provided with important information on how to recover it if things go wrong ect.

Instead they chuck it in a corner and not bother reading it only to ask how to do it on Toms hardware forums.

That shows a point in the same respect.

I'm glad to see ebay's improved! I stopped using it for years after being cheated on an item where ebay decided to side with the seller and even delete my negative feedback rating for his post (he didn't ship what was listed in the article) - instead I of a new item with receipt, got a broken 19" lcd monitor with no papers.

Are you still using a 286? Computers haven't come with real manuals since the 80's.
don't get me wrong that ia s craptastic thing to do listing a phot of a console for tht much... but it said it was a photo and he was dumb enough to buy it. that isn't fraud on the sellers part it is stupidity on the buyers part. don't reward stupid, post the story abotu this idiot and he loses his money... should absolutely not get his money back if anything recover the money and give it to a charity that works to better educate the public becaue clearly this guy was nevr taught to read before you agree to something. or to stupid to have listened
I've seen Ebay auctions where in huge bold red print it said "THIS IS ONLY A PICTURE OF A PS3, NOT AND ACTUAL PS3, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A PS3, ONLY THIS PICTURE", and there were bids on it for more than the actual value of a PS3 at the time.

My spectrum 48k did lol.

I really don't understand why people these days tend to blame the victim instead of the offender. What's it matter how old he was when he had the kid? couple hundred years ago it was the norm to be married by the age of 15 ; and why's it okay to be scammed if you live in a certain area or if you're willing to pay extra for a special item? I really don't get it. In my book, the victim isn't to blame.

Hell if someone had nicked my computer or my car while I was sleeping I'd still have felt victimized despite my front door being unlocked and the keys being left in the car (inside a barn, mind you, not in the middle of London or so). After all I wasn't the one who knowingly did something illigal.
the idiot read it said "Photo only" it's just like the morons buying EMPTY boxes for Xbox one day one edition. It clearly states they are empty. Learn to READ. Where is Darwin we we need him?
While I agree that this moron should have known better, the seller knowingly and intentionally tried to defraud, which is an actual crime and should be treated as such. Having been scammed one time on eBay (only lost $30), I stopped using eBay for a time but use it more now that they got the money back guarantee. Hopefully this guy can use the returned money to buy a more age appropriate gift.
Listing said it was for a picture. That's dumb, but only misleading if you're a total moron.

19 year old...with a 4 year old son (jesus!) clearly not spending money very carefully or discrimitately, and not smart enough to shop wisely. And yet again, ebay/paypal siding with the buyer like they always do. I detest ebay, and especially paypal. I ditched them over 7 years ago, and I'll never use either again.
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