Ultra 850W Power Supply Crackling - Need Replacement


Feb 14, 2006
Ok, I'm up to my ears in annoyance right now. I have been having issues with my 850watt Ultra X3 psu since they sent it to me twice during an rma/warranty replacement situation. It makes a crackling sound and until now, I've been unable to confirm it is the psu and nothing else. This is my 3rd psu from them, as my original was a 700watt model that died and then they sent me an 850 and that made crackling sounds so they sent me another 850 and that also makes crackling sounds. I was using an asus m2n-e board and amd processor. I upgraded to an intel core i7 920 system yesterday and have even more crackling sounds but now the sound is constant. I tried unplugging all of my case fans, extra hard drives, floppy drive and dvd burner and still have the problem. I must replace this psu TODAY and need a solid suggestion for a replacement unit that I can get from microcenter. I'd like to stay at or above 750watt, as i have a ups that i just got that supports up to 865 watts. BTW, the crackling is not caused by the apc unit, it makes the crackling sound with or without it. I just need a different brand than ultra and I want to stick to $150 or less if possible. I've heard multiple rails are preferable. Please advise. Thank you.

-- MaSoP

I picked up the 750Watt version of the first link above, as it was $115. I couldn't justify another $50 for 100 Watts and figured either one would be more than what my system requires. That was the solution to the power/crackling issues I had with the Ultra X3 850Watt. I'm so glad I eliminated that problem, especially seeing I just upgraded to a nice 920 setup. Thanks for the suggestion.

-- MaSoP