guys please help windows xp wont load, it says....we apologize for the inconvinience....then below,it shows options of selecting windows start up mode, but it still reboot when i choose one
Even Last good known config and/or Safe mode?
Do you have a Win xp cd? you'll need one.
On the "We apologize..bla,bla,bla... screen choose Disable automatic restart, and the next time , you'll see the blue screen. Write the error code and the file related to it (*.sys, *.dll, etc)
yes, even last good know config and safe mode, or even safe mode with networking, it actually didn't appear the Disable auto restart, and on the bottom of screen it says....will start windows in (20--1)sec.(but then again, the system reboots and continues the same error) =(
no Disable automatic restart?!
Another question:
Is it a desktop, or a laptop?
Ok, a few things to try:
Reset bios to defaults (F2 or Del at startup)
Boot from Win xp cd. (in bios, change boot order for cdrom to boot first.)
Press R for recovery console
Type 1
Press Enter or enter password.
chkdsk /f /r