Unable to unzip a folder



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

Since I installed SP2 I've been unable to open any zipped files I get
through email. I get the following msg: "Windows has blocked access to this
file" and something about being in high security mode and the file being on
a list of untrusted files. It also tells me to go to properties of the file
to unblock it but there is no such option in properties. How can I fix
this? I followed all MS instructions to no avail.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

"silesius" <look@this.com> wrote in message
> Since I installed SP2 I've been unable to open any zipped files I get
> through email. I get the following msg: "Windows has blocked access
> to this file" and something about being in high security mode and the
> file being on a list of untrusted files. It also tells me to go to
> properties of the file to unblock it but there is no such option in
> properties. How can I fix this? I followed all MS instructions to
> no avail.

Description of how the Attachment Manager works in Windows XP Service Pack 2

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

G'Day Silesius,

The attachments are quarantined by your e-mail CLIENT,
not by Windows.

If you use Outlook Express, go to Tools>Options and adjust
the settings for Virus Protection on the Security Tab.

If you use Microsoft (Office) Outlook go to
http://www.slovaktech.com/attachmentoptions.htm and download
the free Outlook AddIn. The Web Page explains exactly how to
use it.

Pat Garard

"silesius" <look@this.com> wrote in message
> Since I installed SP2 I've been unable to open any zipped files I get
> through email. I get the following msg: "Windows has blocked access to
> this file" and something about being in high security mode and the file
> being on a list of untrusted files. It also tells me to go to properties
> of the file to unblock it but there is no such option in properties. How
> can I fix this? I followed all MS instructions to no avail.