Unallocated space on new hard drive


Feb 25, 2018
Hey, I bought a new 4TB HDD, plugged it in and then clicked the 'new simple volume' in disk management of the new hard drive. The hard drive is split and when it was finished the new D drive is only 2TB with the rest of drive remaining "Unallocated" which doesn't allow me any options when right clicked...

Anyone have a simple-ish fix for this? I've read that the drive would need to be converted from MBR to GPT... however I'm not sure how to do this properly without causing issues? Any help would be very appreciated



Yes, it needs to be GPT. MBR can only address 2.2TB, leaving the rest of it unusable.

Is there any data on this? If so, copy all of that elsewhere.
Disk Management, delete whatever...

Yes, it needs to be GPT. MBR can only address 2.2TB, leaving the rest of it unusable.

Is there any data on this? If so, copy all of that elsewhere.
Disk Management, delete whatever partitions are on it, and convert it to GPT.
New Simple Volume, format, and give it a drive letter.