Unbrick sapphire 5850 toxic?

Sometime this week im getting a bricked sapphire 5850 toxic gpu, its free from a person who flash bad bios, and wont post. Found a decent guide on overclockers.net but its from 2009 and kind of confusing and would like a somewhat updated way of doing this. I can get the bios from sapphire, would be using another pci-e gpu prob my 6770 or possibly the igpu, but what would be a good software to do this? and how to make a bootable flash dive and how to. I looked thru the guide but would like some update how to steps if possible.


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I successfully un-bricked my 5850 today. It is giving me a bunch of problems. I tried flashing the bios from a different vender; after the flash, my computer wouldnt boot. I think I read the same guide as you, was very confusing.

I initially put my secondary card in the second pci-e slot, with the monitor cable on it. Still didnt work. So I swapped places. I put my secondary card where my bricked one was and vice versa. And whatya know, it worked! I was then able to re-flash it to my stock bios and it worked fine.

As for the flash process itself. I followed this guide.


If your gpu is still giving you a bunch of problems then it is likely an outdated BIOS on the card and you need to risk bricking it again with a card BIOS update Lol. Funny how things work huh?
Nah. The issue started when I flashed it to the TOP version of my card. Artifacts everywhere. I then flashed it to stock. Didnt fix it, then tried a sapphire bios and bricked it. Used my nividia card to boot up and then re-flashed my 5850 to stock. Still not fixed though. I think I really wrecked it.
u need the bios from the vendor for the exact model number, sapphire had two versions of the toxic 5850 and only difference was part number. It needs to be exact version for that card.

if u dont have a sapphire card and are using atiflash the guide given to me from my cards bios download will help its quite simple