Question Undervolting GPU and Wattman not saving changes

Sep 24, 2019

To decrease the temperature of my AMD RX 580, I have been attempting to undervolt it with AMD Wattman. I have lowered the voltage by 80mV, decreesing my temps by about 5 degrees C. I know that undervolting too far can make games crash, but if I go anyfurther my game does not crash, but after about a minute, all of my wattman settings go back to default. As well as this, my profiles do not save when I reboot my PC, is there any way to fix this?

Thanks in advanced

Instead of undervolting, did you determine if case airflow is the issue? To me, it sounds as if you are attempting to solve the problem by approaching it incorrectly.

Remove the side of the case, place a desk or normal house fan next to it on the highest speed setting and re-test.

If your temperatures drop, you have a case airflow issue and this should be addressed.

If your temperatures remain within 2-3C, then it is time to address the actual cooling and configuration of the system.
Instead of undervolting, did you determine if case airflow is the issue? To me, it sounds as if you are attempting to solve the problem by approaching it incorrectly.

Remove the side of the case, place a desk or normal house fan next to it on the highest speed setting and re-test.

If your temperatures drop, you have a case airflow issue and this should be addressed.

If your temperatures remain within 2-3C, then it is time to address the actual cooling and configuration of the system.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I've already tried airflow,