
Nov 12, 2007
Im not sure if this is the right section to post this but anyways I have had my windows xp desktop for about 7 years now. I havent had too many problems with it but one day all of a sudden when I went to boot it it was stuck on a endless reboot. So I stopped it from rebooting so I can see what the BSoD that flashed said and it read he following (UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME) (*** STOP0x000000ED (0x83339900, 0xc000009c, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). I would post a pic but I cant figure out how. I have searched the forums here and tried what other people have said what to do with the same problem as me (like boot to windows xp and enter recovery mode but when i type FIXMBR THEN FIXBOOT and then when I type chkdsk /r /p when it gets to 50% it said something about some sectors were unrepairable or somethng like that. I also tried just typing chkdsk but it gets stuck at 75% and does nothing) I read something about a windows xp DOS update they recently released thst was causing a problem like this but I dont recall if I updated my machine recently (but then again I do have auto update on I believe)Can someone help me out, and tell me what I have to do. I have a lot of important information stored on there and don't want to lose any info.
Thanks for all the help aford10 :) , im currently out of cds so I will have to buy some tomorrow or the next day and try it out. I will post a pic of the results once I get them (I know alot about computers but I have a feeling this will be way too technical for me too understand what the result say and that you might know what it means) but how do I post pictures here I cant figure it out.
Unmountable boot volume usually indicates a failing hard drive. There is a small chance that running diagnostics may fix the issue... but you are better off backing up your data right now by attaching that drive to another computer. There's no guarantee you'll be able to get the drive bootable again and if you do, there's no guarantee that you'll get any important data off before the drive dies.

+1 the hard drive has failed and will need to be replaced.

here are the results from the test I ran from the seatools (sorry about the crappy pics I was using my phone to take the pics) http://s745.photobucket.com/albums/xx92/gogamer2007/. It says I failed the test and gives me the code shown on the screen and it askes me to repair the drive. When i do it says I pass the short test but when I do the long test the same thing happens. (it goes thru some sectors normally but than it will get to a point where it makes this clicking sound three times in a row than 1 error and repeats to about 70 errors in a row. Im starting to believe what the above two poster stated that my drive has failed. If there is anyway to fix the drive let me know, if not than let me know what options, if any I can do to try to get my info off it. (i could care less about my computer not starting as I have 3 others and it gives me a excuse to buy a new one, but its just this was my multimedia computer, even though its seven years old lol, and I had alot of important game saves, music, movies, ETC)
The hard drive's controller has likely failed. I would replace the hard drive with new and send the bad drive back under warranty if possible. That error message about a bad boot sector is the same error I have seen. The controller is shot and the drive is bad in IMO.
That sounds like that might be what happened badge, as I have noticed that when I used to start it up, it would make alot of noise but now it is almost silent untill it gets to the windows loading screen. Thats when I get that same weird 3 clicks in a row sound and then I get a BSoD about the boot sector. I doubt my drive is still under warranty as it has been about 7 years. You also said a boot sector failure happened to you as well? Were you able to get your data back somehow?

Yeah, in my case this is what I did. I also tried installing the unit as a usb external device. The controller was defective with that error message. It was a WD Raptor too.
Aww man your WD Raptor was the one that was messed up, that stinks. Those things are awesome! I will definatly try the external USB idea as it is probably the only thing I can do at this point ( the slave idea is another good one but im not quite sure how to do it and my other computers are all laptops, except my dad's) Well I just want to thank you all for helping me out, I really appreciate it :) Even though it wasn't the news I wanted to hear, atleast I can stop panicking and just accept the hard drives fate.