[SOLVED] Unsual power off problem


May 21, 2019
Hello, and thanks in advance for reading.
I recently built a brand new pc ,my first one, at first everything was fine but now i have encountered a weird ,at least for me problem.
PC specs:
Ryzen 5 2600
Gigabyte geoforce gtx 1660 ti
Asrock B450 Pro 4
2 x 8gb vengeance lpx at 3000MHz
Corsair cx 550m
860 evo 500 gb
1tb western digital blue
nzxt h500 i

So i built the pc fired it up and everything worked great, i preceeded to install windows 10 pro (in which period the pc was absolutely stable). After i installed windows 10 i launched into them and set them up, i powered off the system and left , as i had some things i had to take care of. When i returned a couple hours later i fired up the pc again logged into windows and started downloading drivers (as i hadnt set up anything yet). I had a driver start downloading and went to the kitchen to get some water, when i returned i found the pc turned off. I pressed the power button and everything fired up boot started normaly, but as soon as i reached the windows log in stage the pc turned off again, this time pressing the power on button did nothing. I flicked some times the on/off switch on the psu and hit the button again, pc fired up and after 30 secs turned off again, even booting into eufi didnt stop the sudden turn off. I tried a lot of power ons after that but the main premise presisted (after every power off power button did nothing unless i flicked the power suplly's switch a few times, and the longest turned on time i d get would be 30 secs). I tried removing the cmos battery, didnt help, i tried removing components, didnt help, so now i am basically at a point where i have nothing connected to the motherboard besides the cpu, front panel and usb 3.1 but i am still getting the power offs. The pc powers on, stays on for 20 secs powers off (sometimes repowers on for 5 secs and then turns off again, power button gets "dissabled"). I believe that there is something going on with the power suplly, but since i have no spare parts i cant test any theories, is there anything i ve been doing wrong?
Thanks for the time you speant reading this post.
If you get a sudden reboot while in BIOS regardless of fiddling around with settings, then the issue is bound to be your PSU, unless you're seeing alarming temps from your CPU. Mind sharing the temps of your CPU when you see the system turn off suddenly? You might want to try and borrow a PSU from a reliable brand and of robust build quality to try and work on your system for a while to verify it's the PSU and not anything else.


If you get a sudden reboot while in BIOS regardless of fiddling around with settings, then the issue is bound to be your PSU, unless you're seeing alarming temps from your CPU. Mind sharing the temps of your CPU when you see the system turn off suddenly? You might want to try and borrow a PSU from a reliable brand and of robust build quality to try and work on your system for a while to verify it's the PSU and not anything else.


May 21, 2019
If you get a sudden reboot while in BIOS regardless of fiddling around with settings, then the issue is bound to be your PSU, unless you're seeing alarming temps from your CPU. Mind sharing the temps of your CPU when you see the system turn off suddenly? You might want to try and borrow a PSU from a reliable brand and of robust build quality to try and work on your system for a while to verify it's the PSU and not anything else.
Thank you for your time, i have arranged with a friend for a psu and in a while i ll be able to test if this is the problem, i would gladly share thermals, if i were able to get this far before a shut down.

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