Up to 95% of Ubisoft's PC Games Are Pirated, Says CEO

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if what they say is true then it means that over a billion people play each of their PC games.

Pretty bold statement given that most of their games suck to a point that they are never well seeded and have the lowest number of leechers compared to any other game company.

In fact many groups that crack games will put their games really low on the list unless it is an assassins creed game, at which point it is more like in the middle of the list, and I am cure 95% of of assassins creed copies are not pirate if it was, it would mean nearly half of the planet has pirated that game.

Match their claimed piracy rate with their reported game sales and you will see insane numbers like 3-5 billion people pirating their games when they release a major/ hyped title. For some reason it does not seem very realistic that so many people would pirate their games.

PS it is easier to pirate games for the xbox 360 than it is for the PC, xbox 360 games have an extra track of data that contains the boot info for the games, because it is not in a normal location that DVD drives expect, simply copying and burning them will not work, but people have created tools now which forces a standard DVD burner to burn the extra track.

the difference between a cracked PC game and a cracked console game, is that for PC each game requires it's own special crck while for the xbox 360, it is 1 crack to rule them all and there is no special check that they can do to verify if it is an original game and they cant add additional DRM (at least not to older games) because then that will break compatibility with most of their games.

Game makers don't believe the piracy crap they they say, the true reason why they like consoles is because there are more gullible people using consoles. It is easier to milk money out of them and thus more profitable.

With PC gaming, the users are more likely to understand how the technology works and also know when to call BS on services like xbox live and extra micro transactions. And if not that, they are at least more likely to understand the value of money better than some kid who bugs their parents for $5 or $10 so that he could buy a new shirt for his game character or some other crap.
Soooo much bitching about Ubi xD
Man, I know their games are not really great, yeah thats true, but Im a gamer nevertheless. I will not bash a company about their games and all that jazz, when I actually enjoy Assassins Creed and HAWX (among others). Maybe not the best games out there, but definetly worth a while of fun.

Still, most of us pirate games, so I think the bitching is inappropriate. Even if they are not the greatest game publisher, with pirating... IT'S FREE!! :meme:
Free to play games = Shareware games from back in the day.

This concept is not new at all. The only difference is you end up paying to unlock different parts of the game/new items instead of unlocking the full game like Shareware titles used to do.

Personally I think F2P games will be a fail. Look at the mobile sector F2P, and you will see tons of reviews of people complaining that they had to pay to unlock certain things in a "free" game. The fact is a "free" game should be completely free, and not expect players to shell out more money to experience the full game. And a paid game should be worth the $60 price tag developers are asking for. The money a game costs is not the issue for most people, it's the quality of the game, and whether it's worth the price tag (most games are not). Free to play may get more players to play bad games, but they still won't sell their "add-ons" if the game is not good. It's not going to change anything really.
We have CBS/VIACOM to thank for giving the original piracy tools in tthe early 2000s. Thank you CBS/VIACOM - you've started the sh*tstorm you've always wanted to find out means to thieve more money from the populace. And then there's the 100-year-old propaganda.. err I mean PR industry..
95% piracy? What a load of crap! What metrics are they using to come to that conclusion? I bet it's the same metrics Epic used when they whined about PC piracy. They counted every single unique pirate connection to their master server as a pirated instance. In other words, the same pirated copy could rack up hundreds of fouled up connection attempts and register as hundreds of pirated copies.

I don't think companies are correctly gauging their piracy statistics. Also, as a paying customer I'm more than happy to pay for good, quality, fun games. There is a severe drought of games matching that description coming out for PC. Furthermore, I don't do F2P. Most of those games are Pay 2 Win or ridiculously expensive. While I'll spend $50 on a game like Sleeping Dogs, I won't even spend $1 in TF2 for a Mann ticket or $7 for a weapon in Blacklight because it's just ridiculous.
as always, these numbers are ridiculous; there is another out of touch individual thinking they lost a trillion dollars from piracy. The consoles games are pre'd weeks before the launch dates, allow me to restate this, the console games are pirated, rampantly.

Kill the drm, sell the game for 35-40, and i will buy every single one; as long as games are 59.99 with 10.00 day one dlc, im going to pirate most of them.
93-95% - Seriously? Ever notice that we don't see any numbers to back this stuff up?

He's like Gabe trashing Win8 because he's afraid of the app stores' impact on Steam. Ubisoft is just trash talking the PC crowd to justify the F2P approach. To be honest, I've been so underwhelmed in their latest PC releases that I haven't even bothered keep them on my disk.

No offense, Yves, your company's output isn't worth trying to pirate.

It's a shame too because SplinterCell used to be a lot of fun to play.
Guess they should be suing the DRM manufacturer for their money back !! Perhaps if they spent the money on developing good games and actually providing customer support instead of adding additional useless DRM they'd get more sales. (Figure if 90%+ of your games are pirated then you've got to figure the DRM is not working so why continue to pump more and more time - effort - and $ into adding it in the first place when all it does is alienate the people that actually buy your product !!)
Note that he said 95% of the games they release are pirated - not 95% of game copies out there.

So if Ubisoft releases 10 games this year 9 of them get cracked and are available as pirate copies.
That's very different than saying out of 1 000 000 players, 950 000 are pirates.
[citation][nom]boogalooelectric[/nom]I don't think I have actually ever played a Ubisoft game. For the life of me I cannot recall any. But regardless I know I will never buy one after reading this crap.[/citation]

Far Cry, Far Cry 2?
[citation][nom]pocketdrummer[/nom]Far Cry, Far Cry 2?[/citation]

No I never got into those, I never bought them. I might have played one of theirs at one point, I just cannot recall. I would have to go look at all my game discs to see once I get home.
Guys... "Up to 95% of Ubisoft's PC Games Are Pirated"

Actually means that 95% of their TITLES are pirated. i.e. They have 37 titles out for PC and 35 of them have pirated versions.
[citation][nom]Pinhedd[/nom]There is piracy on consoles but it's a full order of magnitude lower than it is on PC.Shitty DRM is not an excuse for pirating a game. It's at best an excuse for bypassing the DRM. If you're not willing to pay for a game then don't play it. Don't try to find some shitty justification for piracy because there is none.[/citation]

What a lot of people do is they buy games they love, but then they pirate it so they don't have to deal with the DRM.
[citation][nom]Pinhedd[/nom]There is piracy on consoles but it's a full order of magnitude lower than it is on PC.Shitty DRM is not an excuse for pirating a game. It's at best an excuse for bypassing the DRM. If you're not willing to pay for a game then don't play it. Don't try to find some shitty justification for piracy because there is none.[/citation]


Thats what you are when you buy a game without trying it.

So spare us the piracy bs, I'm gonna try the games I buy.
Maybe their games are so bad that people didn't want to risk $50 to try. Many just play the pirated version o see if it's worth buying.

Apparently 95% of their games are not worth the money.

I'd feel ashamed if I pirate a Valve game. I can't bring myself to it. You can get like, their entire GoldSrc collection for under £10 I think. Gabe Newell for world leader.

Ubisoft I'm just like 'lololol download' - though I haven't in some time. Because well yeah they suck. I've still not forgiven EA either for shitting all over my Command and Conquer series.
If only someone from Ubisoft could read the comment here, maybe they would learn. Sigh....
You can't make me buy or pirate Ubisoft games. Not anymore. The numbers are a lie. If they were true then there'd be approx 40 million pirated copies of ACII being played on PC right now. I don't know any self respecting gamer who'd risk excommunication from his friends and peers to play. I'm almost convinced that this speech was just to encourage their investors to fund new business ventures. There's a lot of money to be made in F2P right now. It may also be to cover up their screw ups when they ruined their entire PC market with DRM. Ubisoft was extremely popular with PC gamers before then. Blaming pirates is a perfect scapegoat.
I'm not completely against F2P. It could be the evolution of demos and 2 day trials and may discourage piracy if done right, but when I decide that I love it and want the full game with all the content I will pay full price and receive a physical or digital copy of the game. Once I have it then I don't want to be signed in 24/7 or have to unlock a million little customizations through micro transactions to do so. The problem I have with that is something we're already seeing. I play a game, I love every minute of it and finish it. 10 years later I decide to relive it on my Asus 16 core Android 10 gaming tablet but I can't. No source code, no ports and even if I want to play it on a windows machine there are no servers to authenticate to just to play the single player campaign. This problem will be even worse on F2P.
[citation][nom]locuus[/nom]Note that he said 95% of the games they release are pirated - not 95% of game copies out there.So if Ubisoft releases 10 games this year 9 of them get cracked and are available as pirate copies.That's very different than saying out of 1 000 000 players, 950 000 are pirates.[/citation]
Exactly. The 95% number sounds alarming which is why they use it. But it could just as easily be true if insignificant pirating takes place. If one person were to pirate a single copy of each game, and every other human being bought a legitimate copy of all their games, meaning they sold 6 billion copies of all their games, then that would still mean 100% of their games are pirated. Who cares? They certainly wouldn't.
[citation][nom]zybch[/nom]Perhaps Ubisoft games are pirated at a rate of 95%, but thats simply because their totally over the top DRM causes so many issues that its easier to just play a pirate copy than have to deal with the insane number of hoops you have to jump through if you'd have bought the game legally.Serial number - OkayKeeping the game DVD in your drive - AnnoyingOnline registration - IntrusiveOnline activation/validation - Very annoyingHaving to remain online to play a single player game - COMPLETELY INSANE[/citation]

Exactly!! I stopped buying Ubisoft games a couple of years ago because of these reasons. You want to sell games, drop the price, and remove the DRM. If the price is low, and it's got a good rating, people will buy it. Also, put demo's out. People want to try games before they buy them. Not having a demo is just another reason for people to look into pirating a game.

I don't think free to play is really the way to go either, unless they come up with some way to not throw off the balance in the game. The worst thing about free to play is rich kids always have better stuff, when I play a game I want a level playing field.

On another note, lots of games have in game hacking. This is a problem that I feel no developer is taking seriously, but it is serious. I want to say you don't have to be a good player to notice people hacking in games..... It's all over youtube, and most of the time the hackers aren't at all shy about using cheats. It ruins games. I'm sick of buying games just to have some dumb ass ruin the game. Not to start a conspiracy, but one of my friends used to hack Bf2, and he showed me a few sites where you can get hacks from, and most of the time, the hacks are out on the release date of the game. It's a service you pay monthly, and they are always a one step ahead of punkbuster with the updates. Which makes me wonder if there is an internal leak, or if the developers are actually the creators of the sites, so they have an alternative way to make money. Almost have to be a hacker just to survive. And it seems like developers completely shun any talk of hacking in the forums. They either don't listen, or lock threads... Lately, I haven't felt like playing games...
[citation][nom]pocketdrummer[/nom]Far Cry, Far Cry 2?[/citation]

Crytek develop Far Cry, Ubisoft only published it. Far Cry 2 had both done by Ubisoft and it shows.
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