[citation][nom]dgingeri[/nom]They're just saying that because they want to believe that more people play their games, and just aren't paying for it. The fact is, most of their games are buggy crap. I won't touch any of their games with a 10 foot pole, just like EA. These days, the only company making games close to worthwhile is Blizzard.[/citation]
you are joking arn't you , blizzard hasn't pushed out one original game idea in a decade and a half , WoW , star craft 2 , diablo 3 , note these are all franchises that were well and established in the mid to late 90's. sure repeats may be fun for a little bit but utlimately you are doing the same thing you were doing ten or 15 years ago in their games. that's not good game design , it's called riding the curtails of past sucesses , which is a huge part of medocrity... no blizard is not that good at making great games any more. they are good at churning out medocrie games that rake in huge piles of cash on nostalgia reasons alone.