Question Update to 24H2?

Feb 2, 2025
Hi! So, I'm not really keeping up with how the 24H2 update is going, I just read and saw a lot of posts around that said to NOT upgrade because of some issues, but sometime has passed and, I haven't found any new information. Anyone has updated and had any trouble? Maybe no trouble at all? Thank you!
24H2 is a mixed bag, in the fact that some pc's acccept it fine and others wish they hadn't updated. Seems to have its problems with particular hardware configurations, e.g. mobo combinations with cpu's, ram brands and configurations, graphic cards/drivers etc. BSOD's, freezing, slow or stuttering graphics etc. Some gamers are having lots of trouble at times. Its a good OS but you really won't know the outcome until you try the update.
Apologies that I can't be more specific, as it really is a mixed bag of outcomes. Good luck if you do go ahead with it.
Hi! So, I'm not really keeping up with how the 24H2 update is going, I just read and saw a lot of posts around that said to NOT upgrade because of some issues, but sometime has passed and, I haven't found any new information. Anyone has updated and had any trouble? Maybe no trouble at all? Thank you!
As problems are concerned, it's no better or worse than any other update, best are those just before newest one, most problems are solved by that time. I'd say that 24H2 with latest updates is very solid by now and has innovations for latest HW so it was a must for me. If you are still at 22H2 then you should upgrade for sure.
If nothing stops you for upgrading, you have 10 days to evaluate and downgrade.
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