Question Updated Group policy for mapping drives. Now file explorer takes ages to load.

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Jan 15, 2025
At my company we recently were doing a re-ip of the network. During that update I changed our group policy for mapped network drives from the old IP address to the new IP address. Now for all my users File explore is running very slowly. I tried just deleting the policy, but it seems like nothing has changed. Send help.
Why would you come here and expect a bunch of strangers that have no idea what your network topology looks like to do your job for you?
While it's a long shot trying is better than not. Sorry, I was under the impression this was a friendly forum to help people having issues. <Mod Edit>Time to move on to a different site.
Bottom line - There are 1001 things that we out here do not know about your network, and why the clients are now "slow".
This isn't really something that can be fixed in a forum conversation like this.
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