Upgrade from Gigabyte 9800GT Silent Cell

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My Rig:
CPU - Intel i5 3570K
MoBo - Asrock Z77 Extreme6
GPU - Gigabyte 9800GT Silentcell
PSU - Cooler Master GX-550W

Would like to upgrade my GPU. 200$ is my budget. I am currently playing NFS Hot Pursuit and I intend on playing games like NFS Most Wanted when it releases.
I agree:
HD7850 or HD7870
*make sure it's a 2GB model and NOT a 1GB model

The following card is just above your price point but I thought I'd add it in as it seems a really good deal:

The Sapphire linked above is an excellent card too. It's also overclocked so the performance difference between it an the HD7870 I linked might not be that huge.

HD7850 2GB (or HD7870 2GB on sale)
*ignore old-gen GTX500 or HD6000 series.
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